*The bullet is slammed aside by an invisible force, and sends a little red line back at you*
<Vexx> Bingo. Deuce, lightning blast, please. Scare the hell out of him.
<Deuce, grinning> Gladly. *Arcs a bolt of lightning in the snipers direction, hitting the gun and putting a huge charge through it*
ooc-sorry i haven't been on and sending replys. i've been busy lately.
*shadwdemon sticks his head out of a rock*
"Has anyone known that i've been here listening and watching what has been going on. Its kind of irritating hearing people arguing all the time."
*He comes out of the rock and places his left hand to rest on his swords handle.*
"Does anyone want to fight for war or peace? If you you want peace, come with me. I have something i need help with."
*He looks around at everyone that was there*