ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

I geuss post in this dont count. How have you all been? And dont give up on this thread keep it alive folks. Im bored heres a pic.

It wont let me use this as my avatar.
@The Storm
ok ill join. but what is it about cause im REALLY confused.

wow i have no clue. you should contact i0n.

you CAN use that as an avatar, but it has to be 150x100 pixels
ayeyayeyaye, your welcome Night.

grug....alot of **** has been erased from this forum...its like we gotta start over........apocalypse...
@eLopez: its a Role Playing thread in which multiple participants create characters to interact with eachother based on the operators world preferences which pertains to the two sides fighting against eachother in which the character you create MUST be important to the story otherwise useless fluff will not be tolerated. Your character sign up must be approved by the thread starter, eg Shadow91, before you can actually be considered a member of the role play. otherwise, you can still read the role play to keep up with it, because these will be stories, and it will be good.

yea it did my profile is long gone //_T but hey it could be worse

anywho good Night yall (no pun)
yep, thats it. if your having trouble, read through some of the sign ups already on there
yeah and don't worry. i tend to approve things so long as they're not overpowered.

@inugami: you may not be on alot but you should still join. just have 1 minor character that doesn't appear often.
give it a point, and a purpose instead of just random stuff like it was before. ppl are more interested when there is some kind of story going on.