ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

you know what I mean!:lol: *enters the restroom. noises of toilet clogged up. I shoot my sniper rifle 6 times. I come out* sorry. toilet was clogged up. I had to unclogg it with my sniper rifle.
Hey guys do you read me? I have an important message! It turns out the mall that was "blown up" was actually a fake! It went underground during the explosion and appeared elsewhere! There are now old ladies guarding that place left and right in Newark, New Jersey! We have to do something, I'm going there now with Mux.
Later another yoshi was wondering around the street.
(A nice and friendly yoshi.)
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  • #460
*walks to the yoshi* are you going to eat me this time case if you are i will burn you inside out.

*walks back over to pro gamer and sits back on his head* ok so if that mall was a fake where is the real one?
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"Guess whos back? back again? Night is back tell a friend!" srry about that but i had to.

"Anywho wheres the mall at?"
Bayne walks in an looks around.
"God this whole thread got butchered, its lost like 300 pages. Oh and hi night"
yo dude... yea this thread is getting killed .. we need to do something. ( this new update thing killed wiichat //_T)
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  • #464
DAMN what the hell happened to half the thread! and my sig and my avatar for that matter!

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