Reserved you copy yet? (Of SSBB of Course!)

Oh yea, because I just have SO MUCH MONEY to throw away. Ill admit brawl is high on my list, but I don't think it's first, hmm... Ok well once I can come up with the cash, then yea Ima buy er right away, but first I gotta finish RE4 for the 3rd time. ttyl RE fans.
Marioman said:
I belive you are wrong, I have reserved before and it works on a first come first serve basis for pre ordering games

Umm, no... you really can't believe I am wrong. You don't live near me, or shop at the gamestop I do. I've done this plenty of times before so don't tell me I'm wrong, I've been reserving games for over a year now. I know how the system works. They use to work by that system you described but they were getting a ton of complaints from people who reserved a copy very early and didn't get their copy of whatever. Besides, why would you reserve something if it's a first come first server basis. That would be pointless, you might as well not reserve and just show up early. They give the person two days to pick their reserve up and they make there way down the list.
If I get it I think I'll have no problems getting it from
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Mingus said:
Umm, no... you really can't believe I am wrong. You don't live near me, or shop at the gamestop I do. I've done this plenty of times before so don't tell me I'm wrong, I've been reserving games for over a year now. I know how the system works. They use to work by that system you described but they were getting a ton of complaints from people who reserved a copy very early and didn't get their copy of whatever. Besides, why would you reserve something if it's a first come first server basis. That would be pointless, you might as well not reserve and just show up early. They give the person two days to pick their reserve up and they make there way down the list.
Ok first of all dude you need to get some things straight, you don't tell me what to do. Got it? I was just giving friendly advice and said you might of made a mistake, you didn't have to go and be a ***** about. And for your information, I live half an hour a way from you in Cinci. Way ta just get owned by me :lol:
game NEVER sell out in NH, not a big enough market I guess, sos I just walki in the day they come out and buy them.
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Matt90 said:
game NEVER sell out in NH, not a big enough market I guess, sos I just walki in the day they come out and buy them.
What is NH may i ask, Nintendo Headquarters?
I found nothing friendly about your tone marioman, although it's easy enough to misunderstand people while reading it through my own thoughts and not yours. I'm not going to make anything big about it so I apologize for being bit a of a *****.
I havnt reserved and won't.

I am intrested in this game but is a few games I want before this like trauma center, trauma center:new blood, MP3, RE:UC, top spin etc.

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