Reserved you copy yet? (Of SSBB of Course!)

*Points at my sig* Damn proud of it and so friggin happy i did now X-x im thinking of slowly putting 10 bucks into the reserve, That way i can just pick it up :p and play untill i die of hunger knowing i never got away from my wii X-x, I am going to admit i am going to be addicted but i am not afraid >o, I AM GOING TO BE ADDICTED AND LOVE IT :D
TortillaChip520 said:
at like gamestop or eb games u just put $5 down and it comes out of the price of the game

I had to pay $10 to reserve it at a gamestop in LA. Woot...Can't wait!
No, I reserved Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Super Mario Galaxy though. I need to order SSBB sooner or later so I'll head out to Gamespot today and see what I can do.
I've reserved mine and i'm gonna be at the shop the second it opens so I
can spend the day BRAWLING! (sorry)
Just ordered it then... My ticket to heaven is hiding in my wallet... My precious... >_> <_<
Im playing the waiting game like all of you, already pre-ordered.. now just waiting. =/
i went to gamestop yestersay and was able to pre-order brawl, so I don't know why other gamestops aren't allowing pre-orders
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i went to gamestop yestersay and was able to pre-order brawl, so I don't know why other gamestops aren't allowing pre-orders
They are, some people are just acting like they went to Gamestop and said they couldn't just to be in the conversation... :crazy:
MikemasterM1 said:
i went to gamestop and they say they don't have a date yet so i cant reserve it.:mad2: WEll I guess they Ain't Getting MY money until THEY let me reserve the GAME!
That really sucks, when i went to my gamestop to get strikers they asked me to reserve the game, only 5 bucks too. I remember when the first smash bros came out, i couldn't find a copy for weeks, took me two months i believe. I've always reserved games like that ever since.
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^Cha your right about the being sold out thing, and this game will be even more poular so shoot for around Easter till you might actually get the game if you don't preorder...(Haha not really, just a long time)
yeah ima preorder next time i can get a ride down there... can't wait brawl is going to be sick!

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