Reserved you copy yet? (Of SSBB of Course!)

Man, I still haven't pre-ordered, I'll walk to gamestop in the morning since it's only 2 mins away and reserve it.
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I just got a letter today confirming my reserved copy of SSBB for December 3rd. I can't wait haha
yup. i reserved mine. cant wait till it comes out!!!! i hope we get something special since we got a reservation. you know, like when you reserved diamond or pearl, you got a free stylus.
Marioman said:
ehh i doubt it but it could happen
hmm... maybe a lil key chain or something. hey, its better than nothing :lol:

but first, i need to get a set of keys so i can use the key chain for something :lol:
I am going to soon. If i reserve it, then they should have it on release day right? Madden and strikers they did. But since this is a big game, i would think they would get huge shipments.. So if i preorder it in September, i should still get in on release day, right?
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Wiitime said:
I am going to soon. If i reserve it, then they should have it on release day right? Madden and strikers they did. But since this is a big game, i would think they would get huge shipments.. So if i preorder it in September, i should still get in on release day, right?
Yea defiently, heres what you should do...Go to your local Gamestop or Eb Games (same store now). Tell them you would like to pre-order the game. You give them a name and a number and you pay 5 bucks. Then when they get the shipments in the day it comes out they will hold enough for all the people who preordered the game, but if they don't have enough for all the people who pre-ordered then that means first come first serve so make sure you get there Dec 3. and you should be fine :)
Ohio is ridiculous. If something happens to sell out... all of the sudden everyone wants that thing. I've gotten use to it. I've been reserving games for a long time now. I've already reserved and paid for SSBB a month ago. My Gamestop have always been on top of things. They've never given me a single problem and the people are very nice. I have on reserve like 5 games right now. REUC, SMG, SSBB, MPC:3, and they let me reserve Mario Kart even though it's not got a date. The way they do it they have a list, the person at the top gets the game first and they make their way down the list. I like to always get on the top for the games I want.
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Mingus said:
Ohio is ridiculous. If something happens to sell out... all of the sudden everyone wants that thing. I've gotten use to it. I've been reserving games for a long time now. I've already reserved and paid for SSBB a month ago. My Gamestop have always been on top of things. They've never given me a single problem and the people are very nice. I have on reserve like 5 games right now. REUC, SMG, SSBB, MPC:3, and they let me reserve Mario Kart even though it's not got a date. The way they do it they have a list, the person at the top gets the game first and they make their way down the list. I like to always get on the top for the games I want.
I belive you are wrong, I have reserved before and it works on a first come first serve basis for pre ordering games
I reserved min last week and i went with my Auntie who likes to use ebay.
I told her about how Hlao 2 was sold out and was selling for 60-100$ on ebay.(Halo 2 Collecotrs Edition sold for 700$, yes thats true:wtf: )
She preordered 7 copies of Halo 3 and 20 Copies of Brawl!!! (No JOKE)
I cant believe EB Games actually allowed that! LOL
She said she might be going again later to reserve some more.. She wants to get more Halo 3's

Plus I asked about the special gift if you reserve it and they said they wont know till "at least like a few weeks at most" so no one knows.
=/ I Wonder If I Should Reserve It Or Not. Well Hopefully there will be on Launch Day or Else I'm Dead =[

Lol Guess I'm Going To Reserve Like In The Last Week Of November
Pikachu256 said:
=/ I Wonder If I Should Reserve It Or Not. Well Hopefully there will be on Launch Day or Else I'm Dead =[

Lol Guess I'm Going To Reserve Like In The Last Week Of November

LOL? They we ALL be preordered by the end of september..(Dont underestimate SSBB!!!)

Just put 5$ down and you will be safe.

Trust me or do you wanna wait another month or two for Brawl? And listen to us enjoying it?

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