Remember When You Didn't Care

Simple: When you're young, someone is buying the games for you. As you get older the chance of that happening decreases and therefore you are forced to spend your money wisely.
FR. said:
Does anybody remember when they were younger and when they went to buy a video game, they didn't care about reviews or who hates it and who likes it, they just wanted it because it had a cool box or it looked fun.

I remember when I was young asking for N64 games left and right. Games with good reviews and horrible reviews. Back then I didn't give a crap about the ratings of game let alone even know that they existed.

Good old days...

EDIT: Thought I would post this because now, people around my age (15) and older care so much about reviews and ratings before buying a game.

your Abosoutely right...That is such a good point
I mean Like when i was little i woudl just walk around the video game renting room and just pick up like 2 fun looking games even if i have heard people say it sucks...ahh i miss those days
Now its like OMGOMO!M@O$M@!OM$#!OM@#$O!@M HALO DIDN'T GET A 10 ON GAMESPOT!! haha

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