The Popular/Highly Rated Games You Hate...

Secumfex said:
Not if it would have been anything like it was about to be. P-U-R-E Awesomeness! HalfLife1 was about to get a real opponent. The Hype was endless, even back then.
too bad even if it did begin to take over hl1......
heres a little > < chart

Halo > Half-Life 1
Halo < Half-Life 2
Bioshock > All
lets c........ i couldnt really get into metroid prime hunters. it was kind of boring to me.

also i played the hitman demo on the pc, and it definetely didnt make me want to play the game...... repetitive characters, incredibly bad A.I., and controls that dont always work

I like the halo series, but it is way overated. for example:

Super Mario Galaxy 18.1%
BioShock 13.3%
Mass Effect 9.3% -
Heavenly Sword 11.8%
Halo 3 47.5% - Your prediction for Game of the Year?

this is a tally of votes on for which game will be game of the year. now halo 3 is probably going to be a great game, but it wont do anything inovative. it will be a fun, violent, linear fps that will score good reviews. but game of the year? Why the hell would it win game of the year for copying an overused formula that we've all seen for years?:mad5:

all the games on that list will be fun, solid games, but the only ones that are truly innovative are bioshock and mass effect, and those are the ones that are going to win game of the year.
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Heavenly Sword looks to be shaping up to be a pretty mediocre game.

Everything else looks like it could do awesome though.
En4Neo said:
Guitar Hero - Wow...just wow..I don't see the fascination with this game. Pushing buttons and imaginary strumming just doesn't seem fun to me, I'd rather get skilled at the real thing. With other music games such as DDR and Samba you actually have fun getting into the groove, but this one didn't feel groovy to me.

I have to agree. This game is basically (to me) PaRappa with a cruddy peripheral added, and some very obvious features, like famous songs.

What could make it cooler? Make a game with an adapter that you could plug your real guitar into. Or just plug it into an amp and stop looking like a douche.
rodent said:
lets c........ i couldnt really get into metroid prime hunters. it was kind of boring to me.

also i played the hitman demo on the pc, and it definetely didnt make me want to play the game...... repetitive characters, incredibly bad A.I., and controls that dont always work

I like the halo series, but it is way overated. for example:

Super Mario Galaxy 18.1%
BioShock 13.3%
Mass Effect 9.3% -
Heavenly Sword 11.8%
Halo 3 47.5% - Your prediction for Game of the Year?

this is a tally of votes on for which game will be game of the year. now halo 3 is probably going to be a great game, but it wont do anything inovative. it will be a fun, violent, linear fps that will score good reviews. but game of the year? Why the hell would it win game of the year for copying an overused formula that we've all seen for years?:mad5:

all the games on that list will be fun, solid games, but the only ones that are truly innovative are bioshock and mass effect, and those are the ones that are going to win game of the year.
now i get to explain ways halo 3 will be innovative
halo has all new equipments in the game, that are various things such as spike grenades, vechile traps, bubble shield, and super bounces. Then, with the online every match you play will be saved, you can go back to view them, edit them, show them to friends and so on. On top of that, (from what i hear) nearly every single game element will be able to be edited, like being able to make turrets respawn everytime you rip them off or infinite ammo (not so sure if that is true though, but it sounds likely)
youre also forgetting that that formula you speak of, is the one halo invented and was new at the time, and with the second one they created an insane online, how is that following the same formula? sure its still a FPS where you fight aliens, but do you expect them to change it to a third person action puzzle game or something???
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Sovieto said:
now i get to explain ways halo 3 will be innovative
halo has all new equipments in the game, that are various things such as spike grenades, vechile traps, bubble shield, and super bounces. Then, with the online every match you play will be saved, you can go back to view them, edit them, show them to friends and so on. On top of that, (from what i hear) nearly every single game element will be able to be edited, like being able to make turrets respawn everytime you rip them off or infinite ammo (not so sure if that is true though, but it sounds likely)
youre also forgetting that that formula you speak of, is the one halo invented and was new at the time, and with the second one they created an insane online, how is that following the same formula? sure its still a FPS where you fight aliens, but do you expect them to change it to a third person action puzzle game or something???
Dammit Rodent! Don't feed the fanboys!

EDIT: What am I thinking? I don't wanna feed the fanboy either!...

Hmm, game that's overrated...

...Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Was quite disappointed with it. - Boring as hell. And the camera sucked.
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Squall7 said:
It only stanrdardised it because it was popular (and IMHO overrated), doesn't mean it was good.

Not much to like in it IMHO.

Actually I found it boring on both counts.

Sure, had American's playing it non-stop saying "noob" every five seconds. Doesn't exactly sound like a good game online to me, just a popular one. Heck, if I wanted to do that, I'd say something like "How do I ride the Warthog?" on an Xbox forum.

And still remains the best of it's genre. It's also a classic in the eyes of many people, young and old.

Goldeneye had better controls than Halo. Goldeneye was and is an awesome game. Much more exciting than Halo.

How about a game that doesn't suck?!

It had online functions. It made online popular. Doesn't mean it was good. Otherwise it would be just a game that people glossed over. Its the fact that it was hyped so much that made it a "popular feature". Doesn't mean it deserves the hype though.

Am I thinking of the wrong game then? Do you not literally go around shooting aliens? At least Metroid was more exploritory and had Zelda style items and eve do simple puzzles. Heck, every major Nintendo game, I would rather play than Halo. Heck, once you get past Red Steel's flawed controls, even that held my interest better than Halo.

Fun for hours? I didn't even have fun on Halo for 5 minutes. I just found it bland and wanting to play Goldeneye or Perfect Dark instead. Heck, even give me Turok 2 and let me at the Cerebral Bore. Online play is all fine and dandy, but really, it's more of an addiction to some people. I mean, heck that's why things like WoW and Second Life are so popular - they are addictive, trying to get the best stuff, as though it matters. It simply doesn't, it's a computer game.

Because it has a following that is unjustified to me. Sorry if you cannot see that, but it's not my problem.

*Puts on flameproof jacket*

And heck, the only reason I brought this up again was to allow you to see the difference between the original intent of this thread - simply sentences that describe a short bit on what game was overrated and why you think so. You see most of the other responses being slight disbelief. I.e. Not an debate. More like a "Throw in your 2 cents".

Just thought the atmosphere of this thread was nice and light before. I hope it can be again after this post...
you obviously just dont like halo because you dont like microsoft.
Squall7 said:
Dammit Rodent! Don't feed the fanboys!

EDIT: What am I thinking? I don't wanna feed the fanboy either!...

Hmm, game that's overrated...

...Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Was quite disappointed with it. - Boring as hell. And the camera sucked.
i already stated im not even planning on buying the third installment of the blasted game. its just easy to learn about and respect a game that is as big as halo.
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Squall7 said:
Dammit Rodent! Don't feed the fanboys!
Seeing as the fanboy has been banned, I think it's safe to say a little bit more before we drop the subject.

Sovieto said:
youre also forgetting that that formula you speak of, is the one halo invented and was new at the time, and with the second one they created an insane online, how is that following the same formula? sure its still a FPS where you fight aliens, but do you expect them to change it to a third person action puzzle game or something???
Halo did not in any way invent that formula. It's been around since the N64 and PC. Quake, Doom, and even James Bond were all better FPS games than Halo, and all run similarly. And TONS of games have been about running around shooting aliens. As for changing the game type, nobody expects that, we're just saying Halo did NOT live up to it's hype (which is what this thread is about) And as for online, they didn't invent that either. Their have been tons of online games and they just moved it to a console. And it wasn't "amazing" online play, it was just the typical FPS multiplayer mode and they said "ok, now hook it up to a modem and jack up the price"
S.S. said:
Seeing as the fanboy has been banned, I think it's safe to say a little bit more before we drop the subject.

Halo did not in any way invent that formula. It's been around since the N64 and PC. Quake, Doom, and even James Bond were all better FPS games than Halo, and all run similarly. And TONS of games have been about running around shooting aliens. As for changing the game type, nobody expects that, we're just saying Halo did NOT live up to it's hype (which is what this thread is about) And as for online, they didn't invent that either. Their have been tons of online games and they just moved it to a console. And it wasn't "amazing" online play, it was just the typical FPS multiplayer mode and they said "ok, now hook it up to a modem and jack up the price"
amazing online play for a console, yes. an online the wii hasnt even begun to match yet.
also, the formula is the formula the game uses. if you say its the same formula of all thoes games then all thoes games must suck cause they dont change! but no, im talking about the way it plays, the storyline, the weapons, and such, not the fact it is a FPS.
WAH!?! It says Banned though!?!

And the weapons are just the same old weapons except they look different =P

And SSBB will crush Halo's online, I can tell you that right now.

Now, I like playing Halo from time-to-time but it really isn't as good as people like to say it is.
S.S. said:
WAH!?! It says Banned though!?!

And the weapons are just the same old weapons except they look different =P

And SSBB will crush Halo's online, I can tell you that right now.

Now, I like playing Halo from time-to-time but it really isn't as good as people like to say it is.
rofl, and you call me a fanboy. what am i a fanboy of?? i would assume microsoft but then i see my nintendo posters surrounding my computer on the wall...or my ps2 downstairs........
the weapons arent all the same every game. this just proves that you hate halo without knowing anything about it.
as for online...i dont think SSBB will offer as much options as halo will, but it might (seeing if they put all the options from ssbm online) but it also probably wont have something similar to trueskill, which matches you up to players with the most similar skill possible. but as for the fact it would be SSB Online, that will be awesome, as long as there isnt lag and theres voice chat (i dont know if there is voice chat already though..) it will be awesome.

and roflx2, you thought i was banned. man wheres shiftfallout... i wont bother with you guys much more after this, you arent worth the type.