Rate the sig above you! w00t!

2 wii remotes and 1 Nunchuck...

I'm gonna have to give that a 5/10 for your best friend that comes over and can't kick your butt in anything cause HE CANT PLAY!!! :O


Poor but better then nothing.
Cpt.McCloud said:


Poor but better then nothing.

3/10? gosh :O

It's better than the crazy design + character trend that's going around... There's no originality in any of it. I hate you :( j/k
LMAO I got a .5 on my sig! Okay, gosh guys. Someone made it for me. ): Be nice. Lmao! xD

o0o, Jamuberino gets a 9/10 for the signature, and for the avatar.. a 8/10!
holy crap man the name is on the bottom right of the shoulder..if i put it somewhere obvious..it would look bad -_-

avy- 1/10 very choppy, and moves everywhere O.O

its funny when it says edited for the blind. ._.

dont rate my avy only rate my sig

im changing my avy