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In the beginning all that was, was a splash of matter. A 'Karp formed from the misshapen chaos, and with its Splash, it splashed form and life unto all. That's roughly what the scriptures say. As such, you can debate which came first endlessly: did the almighty 'Karp Splash itself into existence? Or did a Splash create it, the ultimate Splasher?

Besides the overall look. Like we can't post on people's walls.

A glitch that started recently. No one knows why visitor messages are broken...
Splash came first. 'Karp was in its egg and can't be classified as a 'Karp till it hatched. Maybe.


Minor nuance, not many people I'm messaging anyway. Private messaging still works for it I guess.
I usually clean mine out after 15-20. I like it clean. Everyone (like 3 people) I'm messaging so far has semi-responded.
I have my old messages from a few years back and delete the new ones.
Quite filthy actually...

But that's how I like 'em.

...No- Not. Not really. (don't edit this)
YO THAT WAS A SECRET. Freaking Kanon knows too much about me. I was going to be DG~xxx but it would be too obvious. And it didn't fit in brawl online.:/
DG, c'mon girl...


Embrace it. Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle.
DG, c'mon girl...
Embrace it. Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle.
Your right girl! I will now transform into my final form! I will lead this movement, no black man will ever lay a paw on me again! RAAAA TRANSFORM!!!

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