Rate the Sig above you

Darkprinny said:
Its in games who cares if its dead
better to bump a old one than to start a new thread
seeing the same thread posted by noobs is anoying
Limbo said:
Calm down there big guy. Sorry to have committed such a terrible offense.

If there's anything else I can do for you, just let me know. Wouldn't want you getting upset.

Use the Forum surch feature before posting a new thread

In repsonse to ITWTW
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But, yes, I'll use the "surch feature" before posting. It's an honest mistake. Just relax man, it's a forum about a game console.
Weeping Jesus on the Cross, go ***** about the threads on online play or component cables - not a game thread that's only been repeated once in the off-topic forum.

I could equally cite you folks for crimes against the forum for steering the thread off-topic instead of 'modding' via PM (which is how Nate does it, btw).

For the love of all that is good and decent - this is a forum about video games.
Haz said:
These forums need better moderation - my only dislike of wiichat.com
This is actually starting to be taken care of. There is i0n, along with a couple of super moderators that have been in place for a while, but there are some new mods being put into place over specific forums.

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