Rate the last movie you saw

hmm was good but not as good as the other 3 with the exception
of the bullshit love drama with the characters of "Will" and "Elizabeth"
Transformers: Dark of the Moon 8/10

I don't care what people think about the Transformers franchise but it's the best TF movie ever!
Braindead, best film that Peter Jackson ever did

The raid, bloody awesome film
Lego Movie:8.0/10 Good movie. The song "Everything is awesome" gets stuck in your head alot after seeing it though. I would reccommend it.
22 jump street


Idk what it is with comedy sequels.. they always feel worse than the original. besides a few. I guess because they try and bring back the same successful humor they had in the original but instead of feeling funny it just feels repetitive. This one wasn't bad though. The funniest part was after the end credits.stay for those :lol:

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