Rate the last movie you saw

Old Dogs funny lol 9/10

Really? I thought that was horrible

Megamind: 8/10

Better than I thought. It had a lot of funny parts along with lovable characters (Especially Minion!) I was worried that it would be another Planet 51...ugg...
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I was refusing to see it, but it´s quite entertaining. And obviously it has an important message.
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Magnificent butcher TL;DR review-Plot the norm, action great(the norm for Samo),humor the norm,very norm but when hes this good is that bad?
It was cool, had a great plot, but some flaws. Anthony Hopkins had way to few scenes, and the rubbish with the main character's girlfriend had nothing to do with anything, and seemed like a classic "we need a hot chick in at least 10 minutes of the film". A good movie which could have been great.
Millionairs Express
TL;DR reveiw Plot - ok, action - great, humor - funny. GR8 OVERALL

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