Flea fly!
Flea fly flo!
A koom-a-lado koom-a-lado koom-a-lado bee-stay!
Oh, no no no, not to bee-stay!
Eenie-minnie ex-a-minnie ex-a-minnie sol-a-minnie
eenie-minnie ex-a-minnie sol-a-minnie so!
Ah, tweep-a-sopa, eep-a-sopa, eep-a-sopa lilly
and a rom-scom-tom and a time-a-yo
Ah tweep-a-sopa- eep-a-sopa, eep-a-sopa lilly
and a lily-o, lily-o, lily-o blow! :lol:
When life gives you lemon, you make lemonade, only to find out they were poisoned lemons so you die,but you were alergic to lemons so you would've died anywho. Moral: Don't make lemonade, make tea and burn the lemons.
1. Hehehehehe jugs.
2. Lois Lane cant have supermans baby, supermans natural power is the sun, if lois gets a tan the baby will kick through her stomach, only wonder woman has a strong enough uterus for his son.
3.You gonna eat that dead fat guy.