Bar Brawl


The Grammar Police
Mar 3, 2009
Wii Online Code
The rules are simple:
1) You have to respond to the person that last posted above you.
2) You can introduce a new item, but you can't use it in the same post (but the next person can... so be careful :p).
3) You can die, but you can obviously come back to life (cannot come back to life the same way twice... has to be creative).
4) Violence is recommended.
5) Creativity is a must.
6) Responses are limited to 1 starter sentence and then 1 action sentence.
7) Your first (just one time) post has to start off with whatever name you want to use in the bar (doesn't have to be your username).

I'll start off.

Kingslayer walks into the bar and looks around. *I sit down at the bar and takes a gulp of ale*
Arthur Cabbagefellow enters the same bar. He pıcks up Kıngslayer's mug of ale and beats hım over the head wıth ıt before drawıng a revolver from hıs pants.

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