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when a boy and a girl love each other very much they put the :aureola: in the :ciappa: .

:aureola: :ciappa: sorry but thats the most descriptive i can get
HELLO GET OFF MY RESTAURANT ur ruining my BPRIOEHP or tho noodles your eating got moldy pickles
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no lampshades on sunday!
sometimes the carrot would like to be a tomatoe which in that case is a chamatoe.
No cats don't bark but they can leave a smell after every meal.
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John the flying ape doesn't liked to be poked in his weak spot unless you wax his poptart before washing his handilingadings.
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An airplane is about to crash. There are five passengers on board, but only four parachutes.

The first passenger says “I am Payton Manning, the greatest football player in the game. Millions and millions of fans worship me, I am that important to the game.” With that he grabs the first chute and jumps out of the plane.

The second passenger, Hillary Clinton, says “I am the wife of the former president of the United States. I’m a Senator from New York, and have a good chance of being the first woman elected to the office of President.” She grabs the second parachute and bails out of the plane.

The third passenger, George W. Bush, says “I am the President of the United States of America. I am the smartest president in the history of the country, and cannot shun the responsibility to my people by dying.” With that, he takes the third chute and jumps out of the plane too.

The fourth passenger, the Pope,says to the fifth passenger, a young school boy of about ten, “I am old. I have lived my life as a priest should and so I shall leave the last parachute for you.You have the rest of your life ahead of you.”

The little boy responds by saying “Don’t fret old man… there is a parachute for each of us! The smartest president just jumped out of the airplane with my backpack.”
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