Purposely Disconnecting!!!!


Jul 14, 2006
Well just posting to say, there's a bunch of F***ers online that diconnect before the game ends. I didn't get like 10 wins becuase of that...

I'm not sure how Nintendo is addressing this problem.

Someone here in this forum said if they disconnect before the game ends, you get the winnings. Not true!

As far as I know, the game can't calculate your winning because your get 10 points for each win and 1 point for each goal (maximum 10 points in goals per game regardless). Thus, if someone disconnects before the match is over the game doesn't know how much goals to calculate, so you earn no wins and points... That's just bull...

I know these F***ers are disconnecting becuase I'm like winning 8-2, then their player doesn't move for like a few seconds. Cause their disconnecting, to not count the loss...

Most of my connections are 3 stars and the gameplay is not perfect but not horrible. It really pisses my off that people online are sore losers. I started with a 3 wins and 13 loss record and got better, I give my losses when I know I'm not worthy.

I'm not pointing fingers but the majority of people online are Euros, they just made a very bad rep for themselves in my books.

Sorry for such a long post, BEWARE!!!
I have played a couple and that does seem to be the trend. Welcome to internet gaming with stats. Might want to get used to it.
well, this goes to a different internet game, but why not. i just let people get close to killing (beating in MSC's case) and then, 7-5 they winning, play from there :p or keep the game rly close but still pull ahead so they aren't totally wiped out. >.> <,< well thats what i do anyways... :lol:
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Solard said:
well, this goes to a different internet game, but why not. i just let people get close to killing (beating in MSC's case) and then, 7-5 they winning, play from there :p or keep the game rly close but still pull ahead so they aren't totally wiped out. >.> <,< well thats what i do anyways... :lol:

Risky but great ideal... Why Didn't I think of that. Use to do that in Streat Fighter III, but in the Arcades it's totally different!

Guess, I'm helf to blame for the disconnections. Getting greeding with points on goals. I'm way ahead on points with my wins. LOL

Thanks. BTW
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