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A win for the one who did not disconnect.
They already penalize the one who disconnects, even if it's legitimate. At least you get the points you scored, it's not too much but it's not unbalanced.
I've been legitimately disconnected before, usually when I have been winning. But theres issues like this with all online-gaming, so it's definitely not Nintendo's fault!
BigORhyme said:
Agreed. I don't see one positive thing about your friend inventing a way to disconnect on players that are beating him without taking a loss. In fact, this is awful, awful news, and I'm glad it's probably not true.

Disconnectors are a part of online gaming life. But you should'nt be upset when it happens. Why? Because, well, your score on the MSC: Domination Draft doesn't impress anybody or count for anything anytime anywhere ever.

It's like crying over spilt whoopass. Just grab yourself a fresh can and open it up on someone else.

well the positive thing you failed to see is that ... cheap players that continually use the same cheap moves like jumping over the goalie, transporting past the goalie, etc. as their only means of scoring don't deserve to get the win, they're just being lame-a$$es. Also, I've never personally run into the players that have unlimited power-ups or all captains, but they don't deserve to get the win either. As for your quote about it not being true, trust me buddy, he does something to his router/computer that can disconnect the game ... i don't want to say exactly what he does, because then everyone, everytime their losing a match will do it, but I've seen him do it at least 5 or 6 times without taking a loss
Wii_Smurf said:
Lamar sort your Internet out. And you're spelling.

As for people who disconnect, yes it's annoying but remember. They get a loss for it and they lose 10 points. Plus if they disconnect after the first match they get 2 losses instead plus the pre-said 10 point deduction.

How ironic...

Anyways, it happens, some more pathetically than others. I don't mind disconnectors who disconnect after the closing of the game, but half a second before pisses me off.

Are you using an annoying strategy? I use 3 boos and DK, but avoid using boo dekes unless I need to, which lowers the rate of disconnecting :lol:.
iggypop said:
well the positive thing you failed to see is that ... cheap players that continually use the same cheap moves like jumping over the goalie, transporting past the goalie, etc. as their only means of scoring don't deserve to get the win, they're just being lame-a$$es.

Well, as a counterpoint, I say that people who take strong shooters and get white balls to them at midfield and take near guaranteed shots are being lame-a$$es.
Sounds bad when it's about your style of play right?
These "cheap players" practice difficult trick shots and put them into play under difficult situations, what's so cheap about that? There's nothing good about finding a way to cleanly disconnect against players whose playstyle you don't like, because then you're creating a situation where you always have a good chance to win, then you try to justify it.
If Boo doesn't have a teleport through the goalie, or Toad can't perform Systematic or jump the goalie, you remove the serve-it-up, and you take away his Belgian Waffle and all their other chip shots, then what's the point of having them on the team? They can pass well, but that's there for more than just one-timers!
Why would they programmers put it in the game then? Nobody in Diablo II gets mad at Barbarians for using Whirlwind... Nobody screams "unfair!" when Black Mages in RPGs use strong magic attacks. You just don't like it because it's not your style of play, and that's not fair.

iggypop said:
As for your quote about it not being true, trust me buddy, he does something to his router/computer that can disconnect the game ... i don't want to say exactly what he does, because then everyone, everytime their losing a match will do it, but I've seen him do it at least 5 or 6 times without taking a loss

Still very bad news.
BigORhyme said:
Well, as a counterpoint, I say that people who take strong shooters and get white balls to them at midfield and take near guaranteed shots are being lame-a$$es.
Sounds bad when it's about your style of play right?
These "cheap players" practice difficult trick shots and put them into play under difficult situations, what's so cheap about that? There's nothing good about finding a way to cleanly disconnect against players whose playstyle you don't like, because then you're creating a situation where you always have a good chance to win, then you try to justify it.
If Boo doesn't have a teleport through the goalie, or Toad can't perform Systematic or jump the goalie, you remove the serve-it-up, and you take away his Belgian Waffle and all their other chip shots, then what's the point of having them on the team? They can pass well, but that's there for more than just one-timers!
Why would they programmers put it in the game then? Nobody in Diablo II gets mad at Barbarians for using Whirlwind... Nobody screams "unfair!" when Black Mages in RPGs use strong magic attacks. You just don't like it because it's not your style of play, and that's not fair.

Still very bad news.

Agreed. Boo deking, toad hopping, Belgian Waffle-ing, serving it up, etc are all easily counterable if repetitively used. Combining them takes way more skill than simply charging the ball around and shooting with a power character. I do however use that technique, but I diversify my ways of scoring.

Lastly, the programmers didn't (purposely) put the Belgian Waffle, serve it up, or boo deking in the game, because even the level 5 computers don't use such techniques.
boo_plz said:
I diversify my ways of scoring.

A team approach that can score both ways is usually most effective. Unless you're playing a Wii Trooper or something.

boo_plz said:
Lastly, the programmers didn't (purposely) put the Belgian Waffle, serve it up, or boo deking in the game, because even the level 5 computers don't use such techniques.

I have to think that the Boo Juke was definately intended. And I think the programmers expected people to use chip shots and trick maneuvres... I'm sure they could've made it so Toad's jump wouldn't work on the goalie.
i agree with Big O. And, i will have to say, maybe iggypop could try practicing some of these techniques, or at least defending them; then maybe you wouldnt lose so much. people have found ways to defeat me, while using my 'cheap tricks' perhaps you could do the same. but first, you must accept them as legitamate ways of scoring.
BigORhyme said:
Well, as a counterpoint, I say that people who take strong shooters and get white balls to them at midfield and take near guaranteed shots are being lame-a$$es.
Sounds bad when it's about your style of play right?
These "cheap players" practice difficult trick shots and put them into play under difficult situations, what's so cheap about that? There's nothing good about finding a way to cleanly disconnect against players whose playstyle you don't like, because then you're creating a situation where you always have a good chance to win, then you try to justify it.
If Boo doesn't have a teleport through the goalie, or Toad can't perform Systematic or jump the goalie, you remove the serve-it-up, and you take away his Belgian Waffle and all their other chip shots, then what's the point of having them on the team? They can pass well, but that's there for more than just one-timers!
Why would they programmers put it in the game then? Nobody in Diablo II gets mad at Barbarians for using Whirlwind... Nobody screams "unfair!" when Black Mages in RPGs use strong magic attacks. You just don't like it because it's not your style of play, and that's not fair.

Still very bad news.

near guaranteed shots?? are you joking??? have you played this game before?!?!?! anyways, this style of playing is fair for everybody. if i'm playing a rookie at this game, just by doing the training provided in the game, they know the same techniques that i use, and although i may have more practice, it's still much more fair in the fact that i'm not using cheap moves they've never seen before. there's no training on how to do waffles, serve-it-ins etc., so by using these lame methods against players you all but ensuring you could score 20 goals if you wanted to. now by playing FAIR, if some new guy happens to beat me using the actual methods taught by the game, GOOD FOR HIM!!!! this is waaaaaay more friendly for the underdogs. any wuss can do "your" methods (p.s. before you tell me to go learn these ways, i know how, i just refuse to be a jerk and win this way) and win 37-2, and although i may be more practiced at the regular methods than a new guy and still win 9-3, it is still waaaaaaaaay more fun/friendly for the newcomer, which in turn will probably not result in a disconnect. you think programmers sat around forever to put every little cheap move in the game. NO! it's other hardcore 8 hour a day gamers who just happened to figure out these lame near impossible moves to stop (impossible for the newcomers, to respond to sevenhurts post : i do know how to defend against these techniques and i usually have a very decent season record by not copying these moves and by playing a good clean game). by people continuing to do these moves, it makes the game worse on the grander scale. i don't feel any ill will to anyone who disconnects because they have yet to figure out how to defend agaist these stupid moves. you're almost ensuring you will get disconnected on if you continually do this, and then people come on here and b!tch about getting disconnected. PLAY A FAIR GAME and make it funner for everyone.

as for the Diablo II retort ... sorry buddy never played the game, sounds way too "secret magic/dungeons and dragons" geeky for me
Don't insult me. I'm not trying to be a dick to you. The dungeons and dragons joke was nice, but well I never really played that either, and I really don't want to fight you man, just hear me out. Ok, so you don't like the video game analogy, maybe a sports one?
I'll just say that Jason Kidd doesn't complain about not being able to dunk like LeBron James, he just uses different weapons.

iggypop said:
near guaranteed shots?? are you joking??? have you played this game before?!?!?!

Yes I have played the game before, come on. And you know as well as I know that if a strong shooter has a white ball at midfield and takes the standing shot there's a pretty damn good chance it's going in. Just as good a chance as a Belgian Waffle is going in.
You've never played against DK, had him catch you in a tackle at the start of a round and then crack a near purple ball into the goal? Sometimes I feel that's pretty cheap.

iggy said:
anyways, this style of playing is fair for everybody. if i'm playing a rookie at this game, just by doing the training provided in the game, they know the same techniques that i use, and although i may have more practice, it's still much more fair in the fact that i'm not using cheap moves they've never seen before.

Hey hey, you've got the wrong guy here or something ... look, I love this game and I love the community that plays it. I'm the first guy in line to encourage rookies to play and have a good time, and I myself try to make it a point no to crush them with complex moves.
But you have to realize we aren't all playing rookies all the time and teaching fundamentals...

iggy said:
there's no training on how to do waffles, serve-it-ins etc., so by using these lame methods against players you all but ensuring you could score 20 goals if you wanted to.

There's no training in how to do Waffles, that's true, but the Einstein didn't come up with the Theory of Relativity by sticking to the Physics 101 book.
Chip and teleport and jump tricks take lots of time and repitition to get right, and then implementing them against a live human defense is a whole nother story! Look, just learn the Titan's Chip, then take it online and "dominate" with it every time like you say we can, just try that.
And you're right about one thing, there are defenses against it, and everyone can do it. These rookies you talk about might not grasp chip control and defense immediately, but they are always getting better.

iggy said:
i usually have a very decent season record by not copying these moves and by playing a good clean game).

If that's the case, then I don't understand why you're so mad. Your style of play seems to be working for you, so what's got you so upset about playmaker teams? You should have some sense of pride at being able to beat them, and appreciate the challenge it takes to beat them.

iggypop said:
i don't feel any ill will to anyone who disconnects because they have yet to figure out how to defend agaist these stupid moves.

They'l figure it out with training, they can learn to stop them and even implement them into their own technique. I don't want to fight you, I'm just trying to make you see that you apparently got problems with people who have the same passion and dedication to the game that you do, so it's like making enemies out of like minded people.
There's other benefits these player created techniques bring to the game and the community too. Think about MMORPGs that design systems and tell gamers that their influence shapes the game, when really they don't. But here in our community the players themselves developed the techniques, coined them and actually shaped the game.
If you play the game you know that a team that is able to score in many different ways, and field the ball well will usually win the game.
Just think about it.
I was just playing a game for points. I wnt off against a guy who at first i didnt use chip ins on the first game and played the 'get white ball and pass to power guy and shoot'(petey). second game i started using chip ins and was winning by 8 points. when i made my 9th, im guessing he d/c'ed.

so yea, i guess people DON'T like the chip ins. :'(

but hey, its a strategy.

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