People are Ruining this Game

Nintendo need to do something like if you disconnect even due to lag the other team should get say 10 points for the win and the disconnecting team should lose a few or get their fav team diabled for a day or somethin like that
Kris Bulldog Strikers said:
Nintendo need to do something like if you disconnect even due to lag the other team should get say 10 points for the win and the disconnecting team should lose a few or get their fav team diabled for a day or somethin like that
Hello I have wrote your Wii friend code down I will add you if you tell me you will add me
I hope people are aware this isn't a Wii-specific problem... It's a problem that plagues online gaming in general. A lot of pc titles still haven't come up with a solution, just look at any EA rts's.
Well if the other person dissconnects I don't get a loss anyways so it's all good. They can do what they want I don't care

You must suck because nobody (strangers and people from wiichat) don't disconnect with me.

Stick with people from wiichat and other forums if you get diconnecters.
Retman said:

You must suck because nobody (strangers and people from wiichat) don't disconnect with me.

Stick with people from wiichat and other forums if you get diconnecters.

Good Idea
dont get mad if someone disconects... ok get mad!!!! but even though they get disconected they dont get any points as they would if they would of lost and you still get points so shut up!!!
sorry if this was said im just answerin a Q up there somewhere, seasons are a week long and are reset, however when you go to log into wifi and you click the Mii you want to use, your lifelong scores are displayed there (im unsure of wether these include friend matches)
I see everyone is getting angry about this, however I was wondering, a couple of times after a match I have had an error about getting data or something. In other words it doesn't show my score or anything in the end and I am left to start another match at the menu. My question is, does this work like a disconnect? Do the other players get their score added?
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Wii_Smurf said:
Well if the other person dissconnects I don't get a loss anyways so it's all good. They can do what they want I don't care
Yeah you obviously dont get a loss, but you feel robbed for someone not giving you what you deserve for you efforts. Yes you know you would win anyway, but you always feel your rank could be better and you would want to play more if these people were punished.

People say if Nintendo change their system it might be unfair on those who naturally disconnect, well the thing im sure thousends more disconnect on purpose than to those naturally. And still those who naturally disconnect need to get faster broadband or stop using up connection while playing the game = So the game wont lag as much either.

Id rather everyone get punished for Disconnecting than allow people to cheat and disconnect without punishment. Id say more would stop playing online due to people disconecting than to Nintendo punishing disconnecters.

Obviously thats not fact but its my view :p

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