PSWii or Wii60?

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Shiftfallout said:
well, most of the red light of doom problems started showing up right after the warranty ended for most people, or so I have read. My friends 360 had the red light of doom right but he was safe. He sent it back and the one he got back was someone elses used 360, which was funny because that also died a week later.

What microsoft is doing is changing the CPU like with what Sony did, cheaper, faster and cooler. The problem with the 360 was that the mobo was bending as well.

Im not dissing the 360, but that perhaps is the biggest flaw of the 360 and its hell to get it fixed, aka shipping nightmare.
the warranty wasnt always a year
i think it was only like 3 months or something at a time, which was why it was such a huge deal to get the ring of death, cause then youd have to pay
but around decemeber or sometime they extended the warranty to a year and reinbursted everyone who had to get their 360s fixed previously
360 hasnt changed its cpu yet, they are planning to start using that new chip or whatever but its not in any of the 360s yet
and shipping is no big deal as long as you can wait 2-3 weeks:sick:
If I were to buy another console along with my wii I'd want the first one that is successfully and safely modded.
until then, I say a mod chipped xbox1 beats them both.

But that's just me speaking. As I'm sure I'll get plenty of flak for not caring how many pieces of hair are in snakes mustache on the 360 version of MGS compared to the ps3 one.
What you do when your 360 dies is take it to Walmart or somewhere and tell them you lost your receipt and get an exchange on it. I did that the first time my PS2 died.
Extra Life Mushroom said:
If I were to buy another console along with my wii I'd want the first one that is successfully and safely modded.
until then, I say a mod chipped xbox1 beats them both.

But that's just me speaking. As I'm sure I'll get plenty of flak for not caring how many pieces of hair are in snakes mustache on the 360 version of MGS compared to the ps3 one.
The Wii and the 360 can already be modded, and MGS isn't going to be on the 360...
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Sovieto said:
the warranty wasnt always a year
i think it was only like 3 months or something at a time, which was why it was such a huge deal to get the ring of death, cause then youd have to pay
but around decemeber or sometime they extended the warranty to a year and reinbursted everyone who had to get their 360s fixed previously
360 hasnt changed its cpu yet, they are planning to start using that new chip or whatever but its not in any of the 360s yet
and shipping is no big deal as long as you can wait 2-3 weeks:sick:

thats bad for the non casual gamer lol, 2-3 weeks is unacceptable. I mean what happens when you wake up in the middle of the night needing your beer and dead rising fix? and then your 360 isnt there anymore cause you had to ship it back.

Finally years slip by, but it was really a couple weeks, but it felt like years... and you plug in your 360 ready for your beer and dead rising fix, but then it happens again. So you run out of the house naked screaming "noooooooooooooooooo". Its a huge problem lol.
aye i remember when people were stealing eachothers xbox live accounts. Actually between the wii and the 360, you can get most games off the internet. Pirating is too easy, and modders are usually smarter than the companies to make the consoles anyway. lol
PSWii....Im always going to love Sony...Microsoft....ehh I like their computer software but thats about all.
ciper said:
The xbox 360 firmware is already hackable

Yes, what else can you expect, it's a product from Microsoft, one of the biggest electronic targets for hackers. Big companies = a better chance of people hacking the firmware.
FR. said:
Big companies = a better chance of people hacking the firmware.
I agree with your point but I argue that its actually -

Bigger market share = better chance of people hacking the firmware. Small companies products get hacked too. Remember how hot Tivo Hacking was years ago? Tivo wouldnt even EXIST if it wasnt for them buying up tivos like mad.
Shiftfallout said:
lol funny pic.

Its more like this:

PS3: $599 one time cost.
360: $299 + $100 for 20gig HD + $50 a year for online play + (more if you want wi-fi, rechargable batteries, accessories the ps3 already has) + (if you want HD-DVD add another $200) + Warranty cause the red lights of doom are quite common, you need microsoft to send you someone elses refurb.
Wii: $250, outdated console, + expensive accesories + classic controller. It all adds up.

Guess what would really be more.
a wiips3 combo or a wii60 combo? Microsoft and nintendo are smart in that they trick the consumer into spending more over time than all at once, giving the image of cheapness. Its a common marketing method used to hook and milk consumers. Its not bad either, but its not very consumer friendly in the long run.

The PS3 is doing something a bit different, one flat price. Its like those mmorpgs that give you the option to pay monthly $15 or a lifetime 1 time fee of $150. If you plan on playing over a year and a half obviously the life time price is better, but if you plan on playing less than that, the cheaper per month is better.

So in this case the wii and the 360 do the one cost plus additional costs to make up for it. Or the rout of the PS3 which is you pay one cost, and online play and those accessories come in one big package. If you plan on playing for over a year and a half, the PS3 is the best deal. If you plan on playing less than that, the wii and the 360 will make up the deal. Sony is incorporating game ads and other sources of revinue into the online store, HOME..ect in order for companies to pay for the servers for you, so you dont have to pay to use their services. Its quite genius. Kind of like how anarchy online was free because there were in game adds on futuristic builboards.

Its quite simple really.

ps3 = $599.99US or $699.99 CDN = $100 for hdmi cable if you want best graphics= $699.99 US.
I have the wii60 im not really interested in the ps3 theres not really any game's I want I prefer the 360 over the Wii but the Wii games I want havent came out yet
Of course everyone wants a PSWii60, but if I had to choose between the two, I'd go with a PSWii. I don't really want anything on 360, but PS3 has got Final Fantasy, Ratchet and Clank, MGS...and those nice series.
actually if you want to play good games now your better with the wii60 duo.:wink:

Maybe in two year when ps3 price drop and the developer find the way to exploit the horsepower of the ps3 and release more games the PSWii duo will be better...

a this point maybe (and i say maybe)....the ps3 can win the nexgenwar....but this depends on to many factor...

Personally the only factor for me is fun...

i'm an old school gamer so i love my wii...but right now i would buy a XBOX360elite if i have the money instead of a ps3.