Nintendo Wii: Wii60 or PSWii?

Man if Too Human was on PS3 I'd totally get a PS3, thats really the only reason I'd want a 360.
Wii60 rules, I love having both and do hardcore and casual gaming on both consoles. Just because the Wii is flooded with causual/party games doesn't mean you can't stay up for 3+ hours playing Metroid Prime or Mario galaxy.
Zarogan said:
I agree with it, but I still can't decide wether to buy a 360 or a pS3 as my second console...

I have the same dilema. I want a 360 but because of the overheating problems, i do not trust it, I would like to trust it but I can't, so I think I might go to a PS3 instead, for reliability.

I have a co-worker that his family room floded (some inches of water) by a broken hose during night. The PS3 was left on and got water while on (imagine that). The console was turned off to avoid a possible electrical shock and everybody thought that the PS3 has died. The unit was opened and dried. And turned on again. The system started to overheat but the PS3 shut it down to protect itself (nice thing) and displayed a message on screen that it was overheating. The water affected the thermal glue that snapped from the cpu. New thermal solution was placed and the heatsink was put once again. There is a big fan inside the unit to keep it cooler. Now it is working perfectly. That is it reliability
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I'm still waiting for the 360 to do a price drop that counts the hard drive. $200 for a 360 with the hard drive and MGS4 online is a good deal to me. If Sony can offer the PS3 for $200 with backwards compatibility, and MGS4 Online, I'm there. So realistically I'm in for a wait. I also wonder who will be the first?
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ithas also been rumoured that a new 360 will come with blu ray after the defeat of hd dvd at the battle of waterloo
I still can't decide if i should get a 360 or ps3, i wanna be a wii60 or a wiistation3, i want ps3 for Assisains creed, and i'll got god of war 1 & 2 for the ps2 since i think the ps3 is compatable. if i got 360 i wanna see what thde big deal with the game Halo. i also wanna try dead rising but then again i hear the 360 overheats.does anyone know if the ps3 will hav a price cut soon?
highroller said:
I have the same dilema. I want a 360 but because of the overheating problems, i do not trust it, I would like to trust it but I can't, so I think I might go to a PS3 instead, for reliability.

I have a co-worker that his family room floded (some inches of water) by a broken hose during night. The PS3 was left on and got water while on (imagine that). The console was turned off to avoid a possible electrical shock and everybody thought that the PS3 has died. The unit was opened and dried. And turned on again. The system started to overheat but the PS3 shut it down to protect itself (nice thing) and displayed a message on screen that it was overheating. The water affected the thermal glue that snapped from the cpu. New thermal solution was placed and the heatsink was put once again. There is a big fan inside the unit to keep it cooler. Now it is working perfectly. That is it reliability

I actually heard a story like that about 360. Except it wasn't a flooded room or anything. Someone had a fight with this wife and she threw his controllers+headset+xbox in a tub of water. Somehow after drying everything off, it all still worked.

I think alot of electronics will still work as long as its dried off since most things aren't permanantly damaged when wet because they're all solid and don't soak water, as long as it wasn't on of course. But thats just a theory, but still if anyone is really worried about reliability then I would just say get a PS3 unless you really like what 360 has to offer when it comes to online and games. Im personally glad I don't have to choose because I have both ^_^
T3kNi9e said:
I actually heard a story like that about 360. Except it wasn't a flooded room or anything. Someone had a fight with this wife and she threw his controllers+headset+xbox in a tub of water. Somehow after drying everything off, it all still worked.

I think alot of electronics will still work as long as its dried off since most things aren't permanantly damaged when wet because they're all solid and don't soak water, as long as it wasn't on of course. But thats just a theory, but still if anyone is really worried about reliability then I would just say get a PS3 unless you really like what 360 has to offer when it comes to online and games. Im personally glad I don't have to choose because I have both ^_^

I believe it to be true. Just as long as the electronic device isn't on, it will work fine after it's all dried. I once accidentally threw my headphones into a fish bowl, after an hour of it drying up, they still worked.
Have a Wii60 at the moment, although soon just to have just a Xbox 360 (+an ipod touch :D) as my wii is packaged up all ready to sell on ebay.
IBM used to recommend cleaning their keyboards by running them under warm water and then letting them dry completely before using again. That doesn't mean that all electronics can get wet though. I don't think the XBox has any sort of internal battery but it does have a hard disk doesn't it? Those things are sealed to prevent dust but they're not water tight. If water gets in there, it's probably never getting back out. Also, any capacitor is going to take at least a little bit of time to discharge. If you threw the XBox straight into the tub after unplugging it, you'd probably fry the capacitors. Other than that, as long as the XBox hasn't been in the water so long that it rusts, it should be fine.
I'd have to say Wii60 purely because i have those consoles lol. :lol: Yeah, I like the PS3 but there aren't enough good and or exclusive games to justify my purchase of one. And the fact my mum hates me having a Wii and 360 Eilte. She will just nag on at me saying think of all the poor children. :sick: It's not like I don't care about them but it a console for goodness sake! The Wii is being used to rehabilitate people before they go back to their own country...or something like that lol! :scared: I'm 15 and if you are wondering how I got enough money for a Wii and a Elite, it's called a job. :yesnod:

Not flaming or anything but I just thought I should express my opinion. :smilewinkgrin:

Peace out. :lol:

I had so many issues with my 360 that I gave up on it. I loved the 360 games and addicting achievement points, but when your console is gone for a month at a time getting repaired, its really not worth it. I'm now the proud owner of a Wii and my 360 sits in a box in the corner (its been bad).
Its still a tough choice obviously you need the Wii to add to the combo to round it off just for the fact they offer so much exclusive content in the form of 1st party aswell as a few good 2nd and 3rd party exclusive titles.

So the real question is PS3 or 360? They share almost all the same 3rd party games except for the few exclusives that they end up paying to get.
But they also have very good,but very few, 1st and 2nd party games, and its not like these are even games that are even remotely alike. 360 has more games to offer being out a year longer and with no doubt the best online support, but PS3 is offering alot of cool things aswell like the new eyetoy,Home ect that coupled with exclusive titles is enough to make you go mad.

Do you spend all your cash and buy all 3 consoles and then only be able to afford a handful of games? Or just pick 2 and hope for the best? The good thing is atleast the systems are getting so good it makes the choice hard for the true "hardcore" gamer. All this inovation and creativity gives us plenty to choose from

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