Nintendo Wii: Wii60 or PSWii?

I only read the first paragraph.... but I bought a 360 spontaneously this time last year, I had been saving for a PS3 and my friend got a 360 and I was amazed so I bought one by selling EVERYTHING video game related to get the required $400 for it, but I got it loved it (With the exception of the RED RINGS which I've gotten TWICE) and got my Wii for Christmas, and now I hate Sony, end of story.
i love my wii60. i use the wii for fun when i have some friends over, or i just wanna play some bowling. SMG is a great game, as is RE4 and SUper Paper Mario. Also something that has been left out is the Virtual Console. It's the best VC out there, with many classic games.

I love my 360 for the FPS and Sports games. COD4 is simply perfect online and off. Xbox Live is the best online community in the world. The graphics are fantastic even off an HDTV, but once i get that, i'm set.

I want the PS3 for GOW3, but i'm not gonna drop hundreds on the system for one game.
personally i think the hardcore gamer plays the more serious games and plays in tourneys... if your good enough to win money from playnig videogames your good enough to be hardcore to me. for those more rounded to me thats just a gamer.
I have a PSwii and it has been great.

There are plenty of good games on the PS3. Just because there aren't any games appeal to you doesn't mean there aren't any good games.

I want to get a 360 though because both systems have great exclusives and I don't want to miss out on them. I'm not sure if my Wii will last though.
spiff-ssbb said:
personally i think the hardcore gamer plays the more serious games and plays in tourneys... if your good enough to win money from playnig videogames your good enough to be hardcore to me. for those more rounded to me thats just a gamer.

Nice way to look at it and I agree. When I really think of Hardcores, I think back to when I played StarCraft, WarCraft and Counter-Strike and those guys played in leagues and tournaments for big cash. They were also payed to be on a gaming league and sponsored with free PC's and stuff.

I see myself as a GAMER, not a Wii Gamer, Xbox Gamer, PS3 Gamer or even PC Gamer. I like games in general whatever platform they are on. Sadly gaming PC's are just too expensive for me, so I miss out on those great PC games unless they get ported.
T3kNi9e said:
Nice way to look at it and I agree. When I really think of Hardcores, I think back to when I played StarCraft, WarCraft and Counter-Strike and those guys played in leagues and tournaments for big cash. They were also payed to be on a gaming league and sponsored with free PC's and stuff.

I see myself as a GAMER, not a Wii Gamer, Xbox Gamer, PS3 Gamer or even PC Gamer. I like games in general whatever platform they are on. Sadly gaming PC's are just too expensive for me, so I miss out on those great PC games unless they get ported.

Everyone's definitions will vary some. To me a hardcore gamer is someone who spends an inordinate amount of time playing a game (or group of games). that guy who spent 60 hours per week playing Everquest but still wasn't particularly good at it is still a hardcore gamer in my book.

One place where it looks like my definition possibly differs with the opinions of others is that I consider a gamer someone who likes to play any sort of game. From video gamers to pen and paper D&D players to folks who spend hours playing Risk and even to poker players. Games existed long before the invention of the video game.
spiff-ssbb said:
personally i think the hardcore gamer plays the more serious games and plays in tourneys... if your good enough to win money from playnig videogames your good enough to be hardcore to me. for those more rounded to me thats just a gamer.

Wouldn't that be more along the lines of a "Pro" gamer or "specialist" much like it was said in the article...

The definition of hardcore in the sense of gaming would be intensely loyal

Now when it comes to a Hardcore Gamer that would just mean your intensely loyal to gaming. That would be along the lines of having a larger budget for gaming,larger selection of games,devote more time to playing games then most, and a direct intrest in gaming community as a whole. It wouldn't narrow the scope down to specifics when using the specific phrase Hardcore Gamer.

I think it gets mixed up because you could be intensely loyal to many aspects of gaming so really anyone could be hardcore , it's just use it in the wrong context most of the time.

For instance if your into FPS and tourneys for that you would be a Hardcore FPS player. If your really into games like WOW and Everquest you would be a Hardcore MMORPG player ect. ect. ect. you get the idea. But claiming your a hardcore gamer when you only play one aspect of gaming would be incorrect

The bigger problem is the fact people say only "hardcore" and they think they are right by there own definition, when honestly everyone is right its just that they are not being specific enough when they say "hardcore" and it includes a large group of very different people.
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Big_League_Slugger said:
I think a Hardcore gamer is someone who has several current gen systems as well as previous gen systems. You play at least 20 hours a week. And you also are up to date on gaming news.

Thats me!

Well, I guess until recently. I never played for 20 hours a week until after I got Call of Duty 4. I played that game ALOT, its so addicting, but not WoW addicting :p
I'd have to go with PSWii or WiiS3 or whatever you want to call it. Why? Simply put, I get my hardcore, my 'computer', my motion sensor x2, my 'free' online, and many more. I get it all! And FinalFantasy XIII >.>

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