Pros and Cons of Wii

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APPARENTLY no one likes to watch trailers or gameplay vids. The graphics for wii in COMPARISON to the other two consoles (PS3 and xbox 360) is bad. But by its self, the wii is capable of excellent graphics. Like many systems when they are first released, the wii suffers from launch syndrome. All of the games were rushed and the focus of the launch was to make MONEY. They did this by releasing a lot of titles whilst the zeal of the "new way to play" boosted sales of some of these utterly pitiful games. Many of nintendos top game designers have said that Zelda (being a game cube port) Is the MINIMUM of the systems capabilities. If you have seen vids for Sonic, you would understand. The graphics for that, Although not Playstation 3, are friggin wicked. Same thing with mario galaxy and SSBB.

all of the future games for the wii are gonna rock. The wii just released in america Early so it could compete in the console wars I guess.
billm0066 said:
Couldnt have said it better myself. The controllers are overpriced, and the games are terrible. I feel that the wii will follow in the same footsteps as the gamecube and sell mostly kids games with a few games targeted towards adults.
controllers are 40 not 60.:arf:
Being not as powerful as PS3 and 360 isn't a major con. We all know when you compare the 3, the PS3 and 360 will come out on top, and if numbers are anything to believe the PS3 will come out above the 360 before long.
The reason I don't see this as a con is because designers will make games for the Wii in 2 steps, first design a game to use the controller, second, give it a look that let's it compete with the other consoles. And the way to do this... style over power.
At the moment in my entertainment room I have a PS2, Wii and 360. If you were to ask me which is the most technically stunning game graphically you have, I would answer Gears of War in a heartbeat. Ask me which is the most fun game I have, atm I would answer Raving Rabbids (Anygame that makes me laugh while playing is always fun). Ask me the game I personally think is the best looking, most eye pleasing and generally the best aesthetically and I would answer Shadows of Colossus.
Shadow of Colossus, Ico, Okami, even FFXII to a degree will draw my attention for longer and more often than Gears of War. Don't get me wrong, Gears of War is stunning, at first. But after you've seen the so sharp it could make your eyes bleed textures it's quite ordinary. Shadow of Colossus on the other hand, even with it's blurred textures and jagged edges is breathtaking in parts. The game simply has more style than Gears of War and this is what keeps me.
The Wii being graphically less powerful will hopefully kick the developers into thinking this way. Nintendo themselves already do, to a certain degree. Hopefully others will follow. Luckily most other developers see large numbers and think 'ooh, better graphics' and leave it at that. Giving us sharper versions of things we've already seen. Oddly enough, Sony seem to give us the style over power graphics on the PS2....

Another example of style winning over power, for me anyway, is in PC games. On my PC I can play most games at 1920x1200, max settings easily. And some look amazing. Out of all the games I play the one that still pleases me and makes me stop to simply enjoy the aesthetics is Final Fantasy XI. The resolution is poor, the textures are blurred but the amount of effort gone into every little detail to produce a style that works and works well is evident.
try makin a ****in remix outta ps3 and 360 menu sounds bruh

yeah you can't do it this is the real reason wii sold like 500 units first day real talk
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