Pros and Cons of Wii

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Esco27 said:
It's coming. Wait.

The LAN adapter may be coming, but it's something that should have been built in and included right away. I'm fine when I'm at home because we have a wireless router, but when I'm at school it would be nice if i could connect my wii in my room without having to get another one.
They also have a WiFi USB product available.. just plug it into your PC's USB port and it pretty much acts like a wireless router, so no actual wireless routers or wires needed.

I'm getting kinda tired of people complaining over the controller price.

The Wii makes it up in the games, which you will buy more of than controllers.

Compared to the 360 and PS3, where games are 60, and controllers are 50.

4 controllers there = 200 bucks.
4 Games = 240

4 Wii combo controllers = 240
4 games = 200

But let's look into most people's cases. People on average, will buy at least 5-ish games.

4 306/PS3 controllers ($200) + 5 Games ($300) = $500

4 Wii Controller Combos ($240) + 5 Games (250) = $490

So, unless you're buying under three wii games compared to buying under three xbox 360/PS3 games, WHILE buying 4 controllers..... You're really getting the upper hand, here.

I know for one, as I have at the very least 20 gamecube games.
Will probably have more Wii games, since there probably is going to be a handful of good titles we don't know about.
i just can't understand how can anyone that bought wii might complain about graphics...

i'm not a wii fan, i have a ps2 and the first thing i realized when i heard about the wii was that the focus wasn't in graphics but in gameplay. than i saw videos in youtube and other sites confirming that in terms of graphics this console could never compete with xbox 360 and ps3.

Never in my mind was a doubt that this wouldn't be the truth. Yet I bought it, because of what it promisses: gameplay.

and you know? they're right.

Exicte Truck
Monkey Ball
Wario Smooth Moves
Wii Play
SSX Blur
Animal Crossings
Harvest Moon
The Sims
Nascar 07.....

thats all i can remeber.....they will all come soon../or already came out!
DarkDepths said:
Uh... first, the graphics are very good. Consider this. If the 360 and ps3 werent coming out at all, ever. Wouldnt people be salvilating over the Wii's graphics. I think so.

Also... there are quite a few good games. Call of Duty, Excite Truck, Need For Speed, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and obviously ZELDA!

Here is my list:

-Great games, now and in the future.
-Great controls.
-You can look at your pictures from your camera... w00!
-mmm... Zelda.
-Beautiful graphics.

Bad: (comparitivly)
-Not the greatest of graphics.
-Not for button mashers.
-Too small. It's smallness frightens me, it could be anywhere!
-The blue light doesnt always stay on.
-Battery consumption can be outragous, but you can just get some rechargables.
-The slight possibility of carpal tunnel.

There... pretty good list huh? I think that since the benefits do not out weigh the cons, you shouldn't get the wii. Wait, what am I saying. Zelda counts for at least... 3 points. Wii wins!

Erm, how does that work? ^^
Pros: Wii Sports, $250

Cons: Playing MP3's only by slideshow..(WTF)...Controls are sometimes non responsive or doing something that I don't want them to do..(Wii Boxing)....Not that many features as of now.
Give it time guys, its still new.

I think for the Wii, I'll actually be buying a lot of games, more than any other system I've own in the past.
Do you people have any brains what so ever. I'm saying that the Wii doesn't have the best graphics out of the new consoles, but that it has beautiful graphics.

What you are all saying is that because the Wii has less graphical power than the other two consoles, it's graphics are horrible. That is like saying that steak is better than ham, therefore, ham is horrible. No I don't know about you, but I love my ham. I just happen to love steak a little more.

Now, I took valuable minutes of my time to try and get you people using your brains, if you want to debate a point, put some thought behind it, don't just throw out words like 8 year olds.
DarkDepths said:
Do you people have any brains what so ever. I'm saying that the Wii doesn't have the best graphics out of the new consoles, but that it has beautiful graphics.

What you are all saying is that because the Wii has less graphical power than the other two consoles, it's graphics are horrible. That is like saying that steak is better than ham, therefore, ham is horrible. No I don't know about you, but I love my ham. I just happen to love steak a little more.

Now, I took valuable minutes of my time to try and get you people using your brains, if you want to debate a point, put some thought behind it, don't just throw out words like 8 year olds.

Great post. I love my ham as well.
to say that wii owners dont care about graphics there is alot of talk about it,why should u care what other people think aslong as u like it? and the graphics are about as same as the original xbox,and if u played games like splinter cell for xbox u know it has great graphics, i dunno if the wii can do better then the xbox 1, either way its still nice enough aslong as they use the systems potential :)
Pro's: The way you can play it.
How much it cost.
Awsome games.

Con's:Uses heeps of batteries.
480 HD
Not compatible with my netgear router :(
DarkDepths said:
Do you people have any brains what so ever. I'm saying that the Wii doesn't have the best graphics out of the new consoles, but that it has beautiful graphics.

What you are all saying is that because the Wii has less graphical power than the other two consoles, it's graphics are horrible. That is like saying that steak is better than ham, therefore, ham is horrible. No I don't know about you, but I love my ham. I just happen to love steak a little more.

Now, I took valuable minutes of my time to try and get you people using your brains, if you want to debate a point, put some thought behind it, don't just throw out words like 8 year olds.

How can you use "Wii" and "beautiful graphics" in the same sentence???
I haven't seen such low-res textures since the days of PS2 and GameCube.
Beautiful graphics in 2001, maybe. Not in 2006. :nono:

Wii graphics = Veggie burger
PS3, Xbox 360 graphics = Filet Mignon
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