Pros and Cons of Wii

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jibjab said:
in terms of graphics its a marginal upgrade to the 5 year old gamecube which launched for $200, the controller is only worth $60 so this system costs about twice what its worth. i do not like the wii controls in zelda and would prefer to play with a regular controller.. i will be selling mine as soon as i finish zelda, i'll wait and see what mario/metroid are like.

Couldnt have said it better myself. The controllers are overpriced, and the games are terrible. I feel that the wii will follow in the same footsteps as the gamecube and sell mostly kids games with a few games targeted towards adults.
Hazviz said:
Buy rechargable AA batteries and charger...

considering my non-rechargables that came with the Wiimote ran out in 2 days...

don't forget that no company ever sends good highquality batteries with any type of remote. i've had some basic energizers in my remotes for 2 weeks now and they have only lost 1 bar each.
But getting some good High quality rechargables is a good Idea. i've got some junkie rechargables that will power my wiimotes for about 10 mins fresh from the charger. :( definatly stay away from Pure Energy brand.

-Virtual Reality


-Expensive controllers
-**** graphics
-Lack of good games (games like monkey ball just suck)
-Too many little kid games!
-Not a very powerful system as opposed to 360 and ps3
nkbswe5 said:
-Graphics are not good, but who cares
-Not many good games out YET

Uh... first, the graphics are very good. Consider this. If the 360 and ps3 werent coming out at all, ever. Wouldnt people be salvilating over the Wii's graphics. I think so.

Also... there are quite a few good games. Call of Duty, Excite Truck, Need For Speed, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and obviously ZELDA!

Here is my list:

-Great games, now and in the future.
-Great controls.
-You can look at your pictures from your camera... w00!
-mmm... Zelda.
-Beautiful graphics.

Bad: (comparitivly)
-Not the greatest of graphics.
-Not for button mashers.
-Too small. It's smallness frightens me, it could be anywhere!
-The blue light doesnt always stay on.
-Battery consumption can be outragous, but you can just get some rechargables.
-The slight possibility of carpal tunnel.

There... pretty good list huh? I think that since the benefits do not out weigh the cons, you shouldn't get the wii. Wait, what am I saying. Zelda counts for at least... 3 points. Wii wins!
-Not for button mashers.
-The slight possibility of carpal tunnel.

Blast! Because I had such a better experience breaking 3 PS2 controllers I had to button mash so much. It was a marketing ploy! I swear!
DarkDepths said:
Uh... first, the graphics are very good. Consider this. If the 360 and ps3 werent coming out at all, ever. Wouldnt people be salvilating over the Wii's graphics. I think so.

i think not. they're marginally better than those on the gamecube which came out in 2001, in terms of graphics, the wii could have easily come out 3-4 years ago.

DarkDepths said:
-Not for button mashers.

yes its much more fun to swing around with no ryhme or reason in zelda, or to have to shake the nunchuck 3 times before link does his spin move. please, buttons are precise, and work everytime, mashing my ass.
billm0066 said:
However the ps3 controller are $50 without a usb cable so I could complain about those too.

I am by no means protecting sony here, but the good thing about the ps3 is that I could use a lot of sony products that I already have from my digital camera, psp, and other stuff. The old usb cables we have from cameras should work to recharge the controllers.

The wiimote and nunchuck are rediculously expensive when you have to buy them both.
DarkDepths said:
Uh... first, the graphics are very good. Consider this. If the 360 and ps3 werent coming out at all, ever. Wouldnt people be salvilating over the Wii's graphics. I think so.

Also... there are quite a few good games. Call of Duty, Excite Truck, Need For Speed, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and obviously ZELDA!

Here is my list:

-Great games, now and in the future.
-Great controls.
-You can look at your pictures from your camera... w00!
-mmm... Zelda.
-Beautiful graphics.

Bad: (comparitivly)
-Not the greatest of graphics.
-Not for button mashers.
-Too small. It's smallness frightens me, it could be anywhere!
-The blue light doesnt always stay on.
-Battery consumption can be outragous, but you can just get some rechargables.
-The slight possibility of carpal tunnel.

There... pretty good list huh? I think that since the benefits do not out weigh the cons, you shouldn't get the wii. Wait, what am I saying. Zelda counts for at least... 3 points. Wii wins!
GREAT,GREAT,GREAT,GREAT, point. That is absolutley right, if the wii came out first(like nintendo said it would way back). i dont think people would salvate over graphics but the new way to play, while 360 and ps3 would just be graphics.:thumbsup: Great point biotch!
Awesome Games
Sexy Remote
Zelda :D

Fingerprint Vulnerable
Not the best graphics, but still very good
Gameplay no-one is used to
Wii Points...
DarkDepths said:
Uh... first, the graphics are very good. Consider this. If the 360 and ps3 werent coming out at all, ever. Wouldnt people be salvilating over the Wii's graphics. I think so.

Also... there are quite a few good games. Call of Duty, Excite Truck, Need For Speed, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and obviously ZELDA!

Here is my list:

-Great games, now and in the future.
-Great controls.
-You can look at your pictures from your camera... w00!
-mmm... Zelda.
-Beautiful graphics.

Bad: (comparitivly)
-Not the greatest of graphics.
-Not for button mashers.
-Too small. It's smallness frightens me, it could be anywhere!
-The blue light doesnt always stay on.
-Battery consumption can be outragous, but you can just get some rechargables.
-The slight possibility of carpal tunnel.

There... pretty good list huh? I think that since the benefits do not out weigh the cons, you shouldn't get the wii. Wait, what am I saying. Zelda counts for at least... 3 points. Wii wins!

AHEM?! You called the wii's graphics "BEAUTIFUL"?! What are u smoking man. Ever heard of these two things? :xbox 360, ps3 ? If u think the wii's bad graphics are good, then look at those two consoles graphics.
darthbeaverxp said:
AHEM?! You called the wii's graphics "BEAUTIFUL"?! What are u smoking man. Ever heard of these two things? :xbox 360, ps3 ? If u think the wii's bad graphics are good, then look at those two consoles graphics.

Wii has better graphics than the previous generation, and looks like it'll be a hell of a lot more fun. SNES and N64 games are still fun, right? If it was all about the graphics, then they wouldn't be.

High end graphics doesn't mean the game is going to be any better, and Oblivion is a pretty good example of it doing the exact opposite. Morrowind and Daggerfall were more fun games. Oblivion was painfully boring and short. I blame voice acting and excessive graphics, they ruined what could of been a really good game, by turning it into a bloody movie.
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