Post your desktop.

ciper said:
Saves energy and memory.
I see no reason to stare at the same fuking picture every day slowing down the machine and wasting my battery. The desktop tells alot about a person and mine clearly says "Function over form"

shame, your not as smart as your words.. have so many icons slows down start up time. yeah nice one (Y)

where as having a black background does save energy...
ciper said:
Saves energy and memory.
I see no reason to stare at the same fuking picture every day slowing down the machine and wasting my battery. The desktop tells alot about a person and mine clearly says "Function over form"

So get a better computer if your wallpaper slows it down. A picture and a better looking toolbar doesn't take much. I would have performance over appearance, but why not have both? And I don't really care about saving energy...
Gaz said:
shame, your not as smart as your words.. have so many icons slows down start up time. yeah nice one
I assume you mean desktop icons and not system tray. If so prove it.

Ive used BootVis (a Microsoft tool) to track my boot up times logging into the administrator account on my machine which has only the default desktop icons and the time difference in bootup to the account I posted the screen shot from is comparable.

edit: bootivs

paintba||er said:

So get a better computer if your wallpaper slows it down. A picture and a better looking toolbar doesn't take much. I would have performance over appearance, but why not have both? And I don't really care about saving energy...
No matter how much better the computer is all the little things add up in the end. A desktop image serves no purpose other than using additional memory and making the text on icons harder to read. You don't care about saving energy? You must be on a desktop.
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paintba||er said:
So why don't you just use a text based OS, it would use less memory and energy.
I try. I'd rather use the command line interface than the GUI.

When using OSX I spend more time in the terminal than on the desktop. Doesnt that count?

I type "net stop sharedaccess" to turn the firewall off in windows instead of going to the network connections and such. Doesnt that count as well?
I am now officially a Zelda FANBOY.

Here's my desktop, it's the iBook default but it's a classic so I keep it (I have a ton of applications, there's more in the Macintosh HD, not just the dock):
Yeah, I remembered seeing a thread about desktops so I wanted to choose the official one not the new repeat. Besides, this thread isn't too old, the last post was July 8th, it's not like Aug. '06. :lol:
RivalDestiny said:
I am now officially a Zelda FANBOY.


That's hot.

I love the Zelda start bar, very nifty.. not sure about the sword as the cursor though lol, but everything else is awesome ^_^
tis mine :)

not very exciting i know but thats chuchu my doggie. i try to change it every week with a new pic of him <333
