Bought this for my babe's birthday...

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  • #16
Mitch2025 said:
personaly i would rather order the parts and build it myself but thats just because im a hands on kinda guy lol. that system seems like a good deal. your BF is lucky lol

That's how he is too, he's old fashioned and loves to do things on his own, but he's been struggling with computer problems so much lately that I hate to see him so upset. He told me it's better than anything he would've built, and that it means more than him building it on his own cause it came from me ^.^

Usually I get him more sentimental gifts that I either make or has deeper meaning, but I thought he deserved something really really nice because he's never had anything like that before. He cried he was so suprised. I tricked him into thinking I was getting it for myself and then told him it was for him. He cried not because the gift, but because I love him so much, it was really a wonderful moment :yesnod: :D
i would never let someone spend 2grand on me for 1 present. i felt bad for asking for $500 worth of PC parts for christmas last year lol. i just dont like people spending money on me.
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  • #18
Mitch2025 said:
i would never let someone spend 2grand on me for 1 present. i felt bad for asking for $500 worth of PC parts for christmas last year lol. i just dont like people spending money on me.

Lol, that's EXACTLY how my boyfriend was too rofl, He refused and refused at first until he saw I was starting to feel hurt by his refusle, so he decided to accept because he saw it's cause more pain then happiness to deny me. Funny thing is, his name is Mitchell as well :p
I just dont like geting gifts (It doesnt feel like I own them)
but am gratefull when i get them
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  • #21
Mitch2025 said:
woh! kinda creepy lol. next your gonna say his Bday is Nov. 17th and his initials are MRH

Rofl, no, but close

His birthday is September 15th and his initials are MJH *Falls over laughing* So close
lol. its always strange to me when i hear of someone else named mitch because ive only ever met about 2 or 3 other people with my name.

OFF-TOPIC: i just realized what your avatar is a pic of. all this time i thought it was just a rainbow with a pink hew to it lol
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  • #23
Mitch2025 said:
lol. its always strange to me when i hear of someone else named mitch because ive only ever met about 2 or 3 other people with my name.

OFF-TOPIC: i just realized what your avatar is a pic of. all this time i thought it was just a rainbow with a pink hew to it lol

Lol, they're my lips with a rainbow over them :p

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