Pokemon X/Y

Prankster Sabeleye and male Shuppet would indeed make my day. Anything you're looking for?
Not really. [strike]Spreading the joy of Prankster Sableye is reward enough.[/strike] I'll see if I have a male Shuppet on hand, and if I don't, I can quickly get one. The Sableye will be easy too, you can VM me whenever you're ready to trade, I suppose.

So I wasn't the only one thinking this.

Not really. [strike]Spreading the joy of Prankster Sableye is reward enough.[/strike] I'll see if I have a male Shuppet on hand, and if I don't, I can quickly get one. The Sableye will be easy too, you can VM me whenever you're ready to trade, I suppose.

gimme shuppet pls.
37689. Matchin' numbers in your trainer ID, anyone?

... We all should give each other some worthless fodder like a Sableye so [STRIKE]we[/STRIKE] I have no need t' bother with these posts.
GUISE. I just heard that Defog clears away ALL hazards now, on your side and the opponent's side.

From zero to hero, Defog. Assuming this is true.
Does Rapid Spin not clear away everythin' anymore?

One'a the Marquis had a Glaceon. ♥ Leafeon also looks good in 3D.
Rapid Spin is blocked by ghost types, and has few users. Defog is learned by more Pokemon and isn't blocked by ghost types. However, it's blocked by Taunt, and it also removes your hazards, but the latter issue won't be a huge deal for certain teams.
Wow, look at all'a those Pokes that learn it by HM! Good thing you can transfer Pokes from the fourth t' fifth Generation even if they know HM moves. >_____________>

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