The Scrubbiest of Hunters
-.- Hax always gets me... Palmer, easily defeated. Yet, hax gets in my way. So, I set up a Reflect early on in the battle, yeah? My Scizor was readying a sweep with SD. But what happens, you ask? A critical hit. Wonderful. My Scizor's not in kill range yet, though. But wait! More hax, yay! My defense drops, definatly putting me in KO range. -.-; So I have to attack with only two SDs. OHKO'd Rhyperior, good. OHKO'd Dragonite, good. Barely missed the OHKO on Milotic by only a few HP, maybe 10. So I'm KO'd, big deal, Dragonite's still left. So, I have no idea how fast Milotic is. I take a few gambles and lose both my pokes to Hypnosis, and Dragonite to an Ice Beam. And guess what? Dragonite WAS faster, and Dragon Claw left it again, with about 10 HP. That damn shell bell healed it just enough. -.-; While I should of took the risk, I would of won, hax was the only reason I lost. ... Bullshit? Yes indeed. -.-+ Back to work... ... ...