Pokemon of the Week

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  • #437
whimsicott is pretty cute I'll admit
sableye is still the best trollmon

the only thing moar wholesomely trollsome than this adorable, Prankster-abusin' bastard is another Prankster user: SwagKey... but, t'is a topic for some other PotW NickwilleventuallydobecausehesadickwhodoesntRNG.
this is true
Who says I was joking.
Also you failed to mention Whimsicott being April in the Unova Horoscope.
You should research this more.
Not failed, decided not to. m(¬0¬)m

I could'a tied it to any number'a things (Prankster Pokemon's horoscope month is that of April Fools', tying it to Aries, etc.) but all'a the rambling on 'bout its design origins was long enough as is.
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  • #444
okay so traggy officially has the best whimsicott avy
b-but individualism

i gave everyone a specific avatar for a reason... ... ... (´;Д;`)
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  • #446
b-but individualism

i gave everyone a specific avatar for a reason... ... ... (´;Д;`)
n whimsicott was pretty legit but dis is better
besides, I've always had a thing for demon/devil motifs
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  • #447
maybe me and MR should just do PoTW from now on
maybe I can get J in on it too since he likes Pokemon a fair amount and knows enough about the competitive side
or Traggy
Traggy-kun, you ain't no fisherman, but perhaps ya've what it takes to be a gambling, rambling dude.

maybe me and MR should just do PoTW from now on

> implyin his on-time record would be better than mine accept my challenge mangy rat

maybe I can get J in on it too since he likes Pokemon a fair amount and knows enough about the competitive side

I reckon he's too unenthusiastic when also considerin' his laziness.
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  • #450
I've decided that MR will have his PoTW ready within the next two weeks.

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