Pokemon Gold/Silver to be remade!?

Double post, big deal, news. :p


Go check out the latest news update. The major one (if it could be called that) is that there are more scans of your starter following you outside of New Bark Town. It's pretty clear that it's permanent throughout the game; or it seems that way.

Also, for some odd reason, there's also a new female trainer, rather than the old one. No idea why they did that.

ALSO, unlike the original GSC, the character you don't choose are yourself (male if you chose female, and vice versa) will be playing a supporting role in the story, similar to how it worked in DPP. I'm sure we can expect a few items and features will be unlocked through this medium. I doubt it'l be a large story changing occurance, though.
I wonder if your starter will follow you after it evolves? And the new girl trainer looks gay.
It would appear that anyone still thinking its going to be really close to the original will be disappointed, i just hope they don't screw it up.

Yeah i also think the new trainer doesn't look the best. Still looks alright tho. :D
It would appear that anyone still thinking its going to be really close to the original will be disappointed, i just hope they don't screw it up.

I beg to differ. The only confirmed change was the other main trainer giving out support throughout the story, that's barely a story change; if at all. I'm pretty sure the Team Rocket plot will remain completely in tact; and even if it doesn't, it's not like they'l purposely make it worse.
Yeah of course they wont purposely make it worse.
But it was such a good game, that with changes, it would be easy to loose some of the good content. You know what I mean?
hey, i need help. I missed the ROTOM event, and i was wondering if there was going to be another opportunity to get it? I just recently got the game and barely missed it :[. Anyone have any advice? thanks.
here's some advice: try to keep on topic.

you could ask this in the Pokemon D/P forum, you should get an answer in a day or so
Well, Serebii did post some new pictures, showing the games kick-ass graphics. One also shows Gold with some Pichu, which I find suspicious.

Other than that, I dont know.
Suspicious? I'm not sure why you would be, Nick. If you stayed updated with Serebii, you'd know those two Pichu have to do directly with the 12th movie. It's an in-game event, there's nothing to be suspicious about. :p
what do you guys think about returning to kanto like in the original gold and silver. I've been longing for a game, where you can return to previous continents and get the more than just 8 badges. They should stick to the 16 badges for heart/soul
also, just for sake of mention... What if they don't include kanto in the gs games? The chances are really low, considering we already have a fr/lg remake. It's possible, but... I'm really not liking the odds of this. I just hope we get details soon, the thought of not having the epic gs kanto in the game gets me a bit unnvered. =/

well, it's a remake with kanto or not; but without kanto is ****ing terrible. That's just a horrid choice to make for the developers, kanto is the ultimate pokemon fanservice for all who've played the 2nd gen games, and especially those who've been with pokemon since the beginning, such as myself. I personally say kanto is 99% mandatory for this game to be epic. Otherwise it just wouldn't feel the same...

:p ... ...
does anyone have more information on the pokemon following you? like the starters following as it was in yellow version. And if so, do you guys think they would follow after evolution? (probably not i'm assuming, since pikachu stopped following when it evolved) This is kinda dead, just wanted to bring something up....

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