Pokemon Gold/Silver to be remade!?

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Indeed. Soul Silver has that nice alliteration to it; Heart Gold on the other hand, just sounds like crap. Also, just quoting below so no one misses it.



No plans for international release my ass, I'm sure they'l release them outside of Japan. FR/LG sold well, didn't it? Besides, not a single RPG pokemon game wasn't released outside of Japan, Green not counting since we got the even better Blue version. :D

Whenever it does come out in english, I don't know which one to buy... I'll wait to see if there's any details on major differences between them.
Awesomeness. I will be getting Soul Silver as well lol. No <3 for Heart Gold. I had thought they would be something like Glittery Gold and Shiny Silver... Soul Silver is alright but.. Heart Gold? ..... no.

I can't say I knew they would do it, cause I really didn't, but one thing always kinda made me suspect that they would. I'm sure this is old news to some, but.... in the program Pokesav, on the pokemon editing screen, there's an option under the pokemon's originating region for Johto. So, D&P both have the programming to say that a pokemon is from Johto, even though there were no Johto games since generation 2, which (obviously) can't trade with 3rd gen and higher. I wondered why they would include that.


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I'm getting Heart Gold too. Unfortunately, I wasn't a pokefreak back in the day so I started my hardcoreness with Ruby/Sapphire. I only played RBY/GSC for a little while so I didn't get to experience the endless hours of fun everyone seems to be describing.
i like Ho-oh more than Lugia so i'm also choosing Gold over Silver.

here's another question: Gold and Silver had different sprites for pokes in either game. will each game have seperate sprites for all pokes?
Dal, your signature is hilarious!

So has it been confirmed yet? Even if it is a remake, I'm sure it will be as addictive as ever. Good 'ol Pokémon.
oh my ****ing god. It's confirmed!


no plans for international release my ass, i'm sure they'l release them outside of japan. Fr/lg sold well, didn't it? Besides, not a single rpg pokemon game wasn't released outside of japan, green not counting since we got the even better blue version. :d

whenever it does come out in english, i don't know which one to buy... I'll wait to see if there's any details on major differences between them.

:p ... ... ...
Deffs getting SILVER!!!
thats what i played and i reckon lugia kicks hoho' ass :p
should be good though, i can hardly remember them, but there were one of the best.
If these really are strict GSC remakes, then the games should have both Lugia and Ho-Oh, no matter what the version. That reminds me of another topic, though... Since it's being built off of Platinum's engine, it'l definatly be wi-fi and mystery gift enabled. This brings up a huge question... Will there be an in-game event for Celebi in these games? Nobody will ever know until they're released (via hacking, ofcourse), but it's a good question to bring up, no?
excellent question!

wi-fi on GSC *wets himself*
i dont think they will have Celelbi tho.
but wi-fi (Y)
and i really really do hope they are strict remakes, but what do you think they will use touch screen for? Will there be an poketech?
This just made my life. G/S was by far 300% better than anyother pokemon game. It truly has the feel of an rpg, unlike the rest of them. Its properties are so diffrent, and fun, that this would attract alot of non-poke players. This was the only gen, that I could play over and over.

Big hopes for its competitive side. since G/S was nearly double the gameplay of any others, theres a possibility of a lv.100 battle frontier. (with out lv restrictions) and realistic places to train for lv.80+ concidering when I beat G/S my pokes are always near lv.80 at the end. And with a much larger world, weekly and daily events would probably be vas.


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