Pokemon Gold/Silver to be remade!?

We already spoke about that too, but not much... we don't have detailed information about your starter's evo's following you. No evidence to prove or disprove it.

Pikachu also did not evolve in Yellow if it was the one you get as your starter, oddly enough.
hmmm, weird i swear i remember my cousin's pikachu evolving and as a result it no longer followed him.... i think i did that too. I'm probably mistaken.
There's some new, interesting info on Serebii now! :D


It's not entirely comfirmed, but similar to how the legendary birds appeared in Platinum, Groudon and Kyogre will be appearing in HG and SS. After beating the E4, one or the other will be unlocked. Kyogre is exclusive to HG, Groudon exclusive to SS.

I'll probably be getting HG simply for Kyogre, although I'll probably end up getting SS too. Kyogre frequents my competitive uber teams, after all. Not having to breed synchronizers and get an entirely new team of pokes in Emerald is a plus.

ALSO! It appears if you have both Groudon and Kyogre on HG or SS, Rayquaza will be catchable. Definatly a nice bonus, eh?
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CK have you got the movie Arceus? Or does anyone else, cause getting a lev 1 Dialga, Palkia or Giratina would be sweet.

Another scan has come up which shows a possible Arceus event in Heart Gold & Soul Silver which features Arceus & Cynthia in a triangle between three symbols, possibly symbolising Dialga, Palkia & Giratina. It is said on Japanese forums that if you transfer the Movie Arceus over to HGSS, you will be able to go to a place in the game and unlock a Level 1 Dialga, Palkia or Giratina.
... Ack, I thought I posted that too. Shame on me...

Ahem. The 12th Movie hasn't even come out yet, Benny. :p Whenever it does though, I'll be sure to get one. ... Even though the japanese one won't work on the english version. >.>;

More epic news! :D How could this get any better, you ask? An event poke! On June 19th in Japan, a lv. 5 Jirachi will be distributed, although there's been no details on how, yet. This Jirachi will have special, exclusive moves, which could be a plus for competitive battlers.

However, a more interesting aspect is that this Jirachi will unlock a new area in HGGS, details on this new area are unknown ATM.
Oh okay haha
*facepalm* When does it come out.
I doubt that the Jirachi will change much, it will only have like 2 exclusive moves, not that great IMO.
More epic HGGS news! :D

New scans show that more pokemon than your starter will follow you throughout the game! These pokemon include Wobbuffet, Kecleon, and Steelix. Apparently, all 493 pokemon (even Arceus! :D) can follow you. Sounds like an epic side feature to me, eh?

But wait, it gets even better! By far the best news yet! Kanto is now confirmed for HGGS!! :D :D :D We all feared it not being in the game, but it indeed is. Huzzah! :D I'm sure all GSC fans will be excited to hear this news, eh?

There's even more minor news, though. This probably won't be japan exclusive, but when you preorder HGGS, you'll receive a Ho-Oh or Lugia figure for the appropriate game. However, if you preorder both, you get an ARCEUS figure. Arceus is win. :p Just a nice tidbit to know. They've gotten rather generous with promotional junk lately, eh?

There's more news on the Jirachi as well. It'l be able to be gotten on all of DPP; Platinum or not. It's also confirmed the Jirachi will be gotten through wi-fi, which means if the same is true for the US, Diamond and Pearl will utilize their wi-fi mystery gift feature, rather than just Platinum (which I was suspecting as a possibility for awhile).

There's EVEN more, though. The Jirachi will be holding a Liechi Berry, and know the moves Rest, Confusion, Wish, and the exclusive move I mentioned earlier; Draco Meteor. Not only is it a great move, but for competitive battling, it could be very important. Jirachi does NOT get Ice Beam, only Ice Punch. This means he can pummel Dragons (although not grounds) with Draco Meteor on special sets, giving him many possible new movesets. It's about time exclusive moves are getting very useful in gen 4, eh?

There's also one last minor note; it seems the pokedex and box menus have been changed a bit, and are now more touch screen based. ... I hope the item menu gets a similar change.

Lots of news for one update, eh?
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Updates sound epic. Being able to have any pokemon follow you is awesome.

Kanto is now confirmed for HGGS!!

Changing the box and pokedex is a good move forward. Im sure the iteam menu will get revamped aswell.
Best update yet.
Yes, best update indeed. All because of Kanto being confirmed, now I'm even more hyped for the game. ... It's gonna be as bad as waiting for DP, though. DX

That Jirachi event has me excited, too. Draco Meteor has quite a bit of merit competitively, or so I'd think. A new aspect to the metagame is always wonderful, considering I'm a competitive battler.

Having a Lucario follow me around is just a bonus too. ;D
The best thing for me is that I can hardly remember any of HGSS. Cause I was quite young when i played through SS. So i cant really remember anything, so the adventure will be fun.
Laciro, CK, how could you? What about Magikrap?!?!?!
Well, considering it won't come out for a few years (especially not in Australia, you'd have to import the english version), it'l be like an entire new adventure by then, I assume. I won't get the same feeling since I recently played through Crystal, but it'l still be a treat, no doubt.

Lucario, not Laciro. :p

Oh ****! I forgot about the godly Magikarp. I'll be splashed by midnight. D:

:lol: Or a Seaking, lol. I've gotta admit, having a MAGIKARP following you around would be funny.
Every time they're about to come out with another Pokemon I always tell myself that I don't need to buy it because it's not that different than the previous ones, but you know what? I still want it!

I'm going to get these remakes too! I've bought ever pokemon game since the original Blue and Red (not including the spin-offs) so i don't see any reason to skip these ones.
Every time they're about to come out with another Pokemon I always tell myself that I don't need to buy it because it's not that different than the previous ones, but you know what? I still want it!

Yeah i agree with you, there was no different from Ruby and Sapphire then Diamond and Peral.
New Info
The official site has updated with all the information from CoroCoro. It didn't provide any further information but did confirm that the new area Jirachi unlocks is a PokéWalker specific area and that it will be available over standard WiFi. It also showed a bigger map of Johto which showed a new area to the West of Cianwood City as well as a massive new building just west of the Goldenrod Radio Tower.

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