Pit of 100 Trials

If you beat the flopside pit twice, you can be in 3-d forever
good on the people who beat both pits, give your selfs a pat on the back (pats back) as for the people who say stuff like i got to level 20... im here to help. i beat wracktail without losing no health (yes, you heard me) and shadoo was easier than the final boss and shadoo has double attack and health, heres some hints: if you go into either pits don't bring fighting items eg.fire burst, only bring in healing items eg.shroom steaks or dyllis deluxes (shroom steak and gorgeous steak(power steak and hamburger(made out of power steak)). best pixls are boomer and cudge, get a charm before you go in, when fighting wracktail(flipside boss) use luigi to super jump on his antena and keep on jumping on it until he dies. youll get the pixl dashell he makes you run twice as fast. when versing shadoo (flopside boss) just use boomer cause he jumps alot and youll get 8 cards, a mario card, princess peach, luigi, bowser, dark mario, dark peach, dark bowser, and dark luigi card, as long as you keep the mario, peach, luigi and bowser card all of your characters will have double attack (bowser will have quadriple attack!) and mario will have infinte 3D meter if you keep his card.*note* you will have to beat flopside pit 2 times to get card (first time you dont verse shadoo)
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