Pit of 100 Trials

Ughhhhh got to floor 87 and died...shoulda bought bunch of life restores and what not lol instead of thinking that dude at the 10th interval levels would be there..sometimes he is ..sometimes he's not....guess i'll try 2morro...what sucks more is losing all those points :(
Is the flipside 100 trials, the one that gives you the unlimited flipping if you do it twice, or is it the flopside one???????:cool:
i past it to 100 levels. I think in the end you fight with this big bones monster that is sister or brother of the red dragon i think.
Also dottie works great in some areas. Shrink yourself when you are around fire bros, hammer bros, magikoopas, etc. Anything that throws projectiles at you will stop if you are small. Then just jump on em. You have to be careful though since it is harder to control yourself when you are small.

Blue said:
I died on the snake. I really got mad this time. :mad5:
By the time I got to the end I actually didn't have any HP-refilling items and my HP was very low, but I managed to jump on top of its head and create a chain of bouncing on it, eventually winning. :wink:
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italianqt said:
You know, I saw people say Flipside twice, but I got it after doing Flopside twice.:wtf:

You DO get it after beating the Flopside pit twice...specifically after you pick up the Mario card from one of the treasure chests.:wink:
does anyone here still have paper mario the thousand year door? super paper mario hasnt come out for us aussies yet but anyway in paper nario ttyd i got to lvl 100 at lvl 65
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I made it to floor 100 in Paper Mario: TTYD, but the dragon killed me. It got me so mad I never attempted it again lol.
made it to the 67th floor...then i quit cause it was too long...and i was running out of health...its pretty easy if you have hand eye cordnation(unlike my mom LOL...she beats me a mario party though:tard:)
i also forgot to add that i killed bonetail and got the 'postage return' badge i had 1 health when i beat him (part of my strategy) i had about 7 mega rush badges so i had to have 1 health so i had about 20 extra attack so when i did power bounce i basically killed him in one turn ( my memorys vague can't remember all the numbers)but it took ages to do but i got all the badges and tattles so it wasnt that bad
I'm done with this stupid thing, spent god knows how long getting to the boss, when dies when those little gits spat crap at me that takes off like 10hp a time!!! can't be arsed doing it again :mad5:

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