Pit of 100 Trials

crudge barry bomber. 85 hp. you cant do flopside till beaten flipside. have a full supply of ultra shroom shakes. ten of them i think or till invitory full:yesnod: Flip if you need to get to the bottem. oh and have piccolo for the curysas:smilewinkgrin:
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I started out with 50HP doing the Flipside pit of trials. For both the flipside and flopside ones, I didn't have Luigi. I'm not sure if having Luigi would have made the boss of the flopside pit any easier. I did have a barrier item for the boss, which helped a lot because then I could just attack without worrying about being hit. Just make sure if you do bring one, to do the power up sequence for it properly so it lasts as long as it can. Also I used Bowser mostly for the boss:wink:
ok well if you have luigi for flipside trials the boss is easy. flopside you should have a crudge with bowser combo. if you are a noob at the pit the start with a higher HP
i had 35 hp when i went in. used the 10hp shakes. didnt need one until about the 20th room, if not further. i basically used bowser for everything, except the boss.

id buy shakes from the guy and some other stuff like the fire bombs and whatnot.

not all that hard really.
yea anyone else make it to the last level and die? hooray for clearing 99 levels and dieing on the 100th!
I Don't AHve The Money To Buy The Healing Stuff That I Need To Get Past the Pit..,..
buy catch cards till invitory full then do to 5-2 and go right. then enter the door and then go right again. go to the first door you see jump over the pit and flip and catch the daisy with a catch card. go back out and go left to the second pipe you see. go down then back up and go back through the door to your right and catch the daisy and repeat till out of cards. go sell the cards for 300 each:cool:
CrowTRobot said:
Flipside is definitely worth it as you get the Pixl that allows you to run. Flopside gives you some rare cards if you're into that.

wait a second...

can someone clarify this for me....

im at room 20, i've earned 2 "cards"...BUT i want the RUN upgrade, not the cards.....????
you need to finish the flipside pit to get the run upgrade...it the final reward to this journey....

read the spoiler:
it is actually a pixl that gave you the possibility to run....
that pixi sure does come in handy. piccolo would have been nice in the daisy room too.

maybe ill go through the flipside pit again just for more cards.

i have about 60hp. ill try the flopside one in a bit. that 300gp dazey trick works wonders for leveling up. just have to buy the gold medal's and hit up 1-3.
Is that running Pixle even worth it....dosnt seem to usefull
On flipside I made it to 97 and died...i was pissed off
Whats the difference between flipside and flopsides Pits
Yeah... some floors are freaking hard!!! It was so hard but I beated it!

Zero, the running pixi, is the best pixi ever!!! At least, I love running on the games... I got very used to it and I could not play well without it (to slow)

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