People who annoy you

On that note, what´s really annoying is those parents who blame tv, music, videogames and friends when their kids turn out bad. It´s that kind of attitude that causes their kids to be spoiled and rebels in the first place..

Is those type of parents that get TV shows canceled. Dumbass parents that don't know how to take care of their kids properly.
As for the homophobic part it isn't. They don't say bad things about gay people they just say stuff of being straight like having a lot of women and stuff like that.
Perhaps they're not so much homophobic, but they're definitely mysogynistic. How many gangster rappers don't refer to women as 'hos/bitches/whores'?

Listen to it once in a while ;)
I occasionally listen to some old-school stuff, but modern rap bores me silly.

Oh, there´s a difference. Retarded dictators are extremely annoying due to the fact it´s soo obvious how stupid they are and they don´t seem to realize it.
Competent dictators are worse but less annoying. They stay in power doing evil stuff and people don´t notice because they´re actually smart about it and act humble and caring. We don´t think of them as retarded, more like evil geniuses who fail due to severe character flaws.
I know what you mean, some dictators are obviously more competent than others (e.g. Mugabe has lead his country to ruin, while Castro, for all his faults, did a decent job of running Cuba). But by their very nature dictators are idiotic, because they suppress anyone who dares criticise them- not exactly a good way to run a country.
All the people at Savetalk
Worst sales men ever

If a customer is being aggressive you are not meant to be aggressive as well.
Perhaps they're not so much homophobic, but they're definitely mysogynistic. How many gangster rappers don't refer to women as 'hos/bitches/whores'?

I occasionally listen to some old-school stuff, but modern rap bores me silly.

As for the phrase "gangster" rappers there aren't many of those these days. I could only think of two "gangster" rappers right now and they are Snoop Dogg (Crip) and The Game (Blood).

The 90's rappers were way more offensive than the ones these days. Look at NWA (Niggas With Attitudes).
^Is that how you spell the word "faget"?

People that work taunting with a red cape and stabbing bulls (I don't know what you call them). I get happy seeing the bulls gore them and tossing them around :D
Radio DJs that say much but mean little
^Is that how you spell the word "faget"?

People that work taunting with a red cape and stabbing bulls (I don't know what you call them). I get happy seeing the bulls gore them and tossing them around :D
I hate them so much I never play as Vega(Balrog)

Why u hate gays?
I hate things that are gay but not people tha are
Radio DJs that say much but mean little

I hate them so much I never play as Vega(Balrog)

I hate things that are gay but not people tha are

I thought that there was an English word for it.

-I hate people that annoy me when I say that something is gay.

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