People who annoy you

- pointless singers, like those responsible for most rap and reggaeton music, which mainly involves sexual noises and retards saying profanities.
- n00bs who think they're experts.
- those darn kids across the street, I don't like the way they look at me.
- Disney movie-makers that seem to have no brain at all, like the makers of G-force and BH Chihuahua.
- Disney's genetically engineered pop stars, like Hannah Montana and co.
- Retarded dictators.
- Bureaucrats and politicians.
- people who do taunt parties on wi-fi Brawl.

I hate The Jonas Brothers (they look like girls and should be called The Jonas Sisters).

- people who consider femininity and homosexuality as something negative/bad. Likewise, people who use gay as an insult. Oh, and machistas.
(had to go there, GC, nothing personal :D)
Oh yea, I forgot to mention I really hate prostiertutes, which is my name for those brilliant people who use top tier characters in fighting games exclusively to win easily with the least effort possible.
seriously, grow some BALLS!!
- pointless singers, like those responsible for most rap and reggaeton music, which mainly involves sexual noises and retards saying profanities.
- n00bs who think they're experts.
- those darn kids across the street, I don't like the way they look at me.
- Disney movie-makers that seem to have no brain at all, like the makers of G-force and BH Chihuahua.
- Disney's genetically engineered pop stars, like Hannah Montana and co.
- Retarded dictators.
- Bureaucrats and politicians.
- people who do taunt parties on wi-fi Brawl.

- people who consider femininity and homosexuality as something negative/bad. Likewise, people who use gay as an insult. Oh, and machistas.
(had to go there, GC, nothing personal :D)

I hate reggeton too.
I don't consider it personal. It's your opinion and it's not hurting me.
Prostiertutes? That's what you call them? I started using Snake before I knew what the tier list meant :D

-Prepy people. You know Hollister, Aerocrombie, Aeropostale wearing GUYS. Some girls look good in them :ihih:
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- pointless singers, like those responsible for most rap and reggaeton music, which mainly involves sexual noises and retards saying profanities.
- n00bs who think they're experts.
- those darn kids across the street, I don't like the way they look at me.
- Disney movie-makers that seem to have no brain at all, like the makers of G-force and BH Chihuahua.
- Disney's genetically engineered pop stars, like Hannah Montana and co.
- Retarded dictators.
- Bureaucrats and politicians.
- people who do taunt parties on wi-fi Brawl.

- people who consider femininity and homosexuality as something negative/bad. Likewise, people who use gay as an insult. Oh, and machistas.
(had to go there, GC, nothing personal :D)

u made perfect choices 4 people... lol they all suck
I hate people that think that rap/hip hop is so bad that if their kids listen to it they will grow up to no good, gangsters, drugdealers, school dropouts, ect. Why do they think that the worse things are gonna happen because of rap/hip hop music? I'm doing very good at school and I listen to it.
- Retarded dictators.
So competent dictators are okay?

Who am I kidding, all dictators are retarded.

- people who consider femininity and homosexuality as something negative/bad. Likewise, people who use gay as an insult. Oh, and machistas.
(had to go there, GC, nothing personal :D)

I hate people that think that rap/hip hop is so bad that if their kids listen to it they will grow up to no good, gangsters, drugdealers, school dropouts, ect. Why do they think that the worse things are gonna happen because of rap/hip hop music? I'm doing very good at school and I listen to it.
Gangster rap doesn't cause anyone to deal drugs, shoot people, or any of that crap. If kids are screwed up enough to do all that, they'd do it with or without rap music.

I do agree with the argument a lot of rap is incredibly mysogynistic and homophobic though.
Gangster rap doesn't cause anyone to deal drugs, shoot people, or any of that crap. If kids are screwed up enough to do all that, they'd do it with or without rap music.

I do agree with the argument a lot of rap is incredibly mysogynistic and homophobic though.

That's what I'm trying to say that if you are a screw up you don't need any type of music to boost you.

As for the homophobic part it isn't. They don't say bad things about gay people they just say stuff of being straight like having a lot of women and stuff like that. Listen to it once in a while ;)
I hate people that think that rap/hip hop is so bad that if their kids listen to it they will grow up to no good, gangsters, drugdealers, school dropouts, ect. Why do they think that the worse things are gonna happen because of rap/hip hop music? I'm doing very good at school and I listen to it.

On that note, what´s really annoying is those parents who blame tv, music, videogames and friends when their kids turn out bad. It´s that kind of attitude that causes their kids to be spoiled and rebels in the first place.

So competent dictators are okay?

Who am I kidding, all dictators are retarded.

Oh, there´s a difference. Retarded dictators are extremely annoying due to the fact it´s soo obvious how stupid they are and they don´t seem to realize it.
Competent dictators are worse but less annoying. They stay in power doing evil stuff and people don´t notice because they´re actually smart about it and act humble and caring. We don´t think of them as retarded, more like evil geniuses who fail due to severe character flaws.

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