People who annoy you

The fact that 71% of people in this country identify as "Christian" (census), but 63% of people describe themselves as "not religious" (, is kind of telling.

A census is likely to be more reliable then a poll conducted by newspapers, and statistics are constantly contradicting themselves. Besides, I was talking about Catholics not Christianity as a whole.

Apparently I am.

One day, your outdated concepts of revering saints and closing abortion clinics will no longer exist. PROTESTANTISM IS THE WAY FORWARD
A census is likely to be more reliable then a poll conducted by newspapers, and statistics are constantly contradicting themselves.
Without the precise method of data collection it's difficult to say whether the poll is accurate or not, although given it's a newspaper poll the results could very well be skewed. But then again, the census doesn't distinguish between "nominally Christian" and "actual Christian".

Besides, I was talking about Catholics not Christianity as a whole.
I'm not sure where I would find more specific figures for Catholics, but the point still applies, doesn't it (i.e. are you really Christian if you don't follow Christianity)?

One day, your outdated concepts of revering saints and closing abortion clinics will no longer exist. PROTESTANTISM IS THE WAY FORWARD
Wait, I thought Protestants didn't take too kindly to abortion either?

Well that was massively off-topic. So erm... I also find hardcore pro-lifers annoying.
NEYO!! i mean omg hes so stupid..

we have enough awesome black american singers
chipmunk <3 and flo rider FTW
I hate The Jonas Brothers (they look like girls and should be called The Jonas Sisters).

how can you hate the jonas brothers
i mean sure they are pretty gay and yes they one have one eyebrow each
(awesome points from shane dawson)
but they are cool... i guess
and there music is good... sorta
my point is anyone to do with disney - they rock! :p
how can you hate the jonas brothers
i mean sure they are pretty gay and yes they one have one eyebrow each
(awesome points from shane dawson)
but they are cool... i guess
and there music is good... sorta
my point is anyone to do with disney - they rock! :p

I hate everything in the Disney Channel which includes the Jonas Brothers, High School Musical, The Cheeta Girls, Hannah Montana, ect.

Ne-Yo isn't stupid :eek:ut: He has been in some good songs.
Do you mean Flo Rida BTW? I like some of his songs.
I hate when people yell my name over and over and all they say is hi
My parents when they yell my name and I say what and they can't hear me so they keep on yelling my name and that gets annoying.
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GCommander... wats u name supposed 2 mean... no offence, and where is that picture from?
GCommander... wats u name supposed 2 mean... no offence, and where is that picture from?

I honestly came up with that name on the spot. I didn't know what name to pick. It doesn't mean anything in particular and the picture is from an anime.

I hate Kid Cudi. He only made 1 song that I didn't even like but it came out on the radio for like 5 months.

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