people need to accept that red steel sucks

played redsteel and was NOT impressed. Graphics were bad, and they didnt even have cinematics it's just still frames and voice acting. this new generation needs to do more than that when it comes to visuals. The controlls were pretty bad too. the gun moves really bad when you try to aim. One thing i did like was that they tried to do a good job with the whole wii mote thing but overall it's not that greate. Also i liked throwing grenades. that's about it. Overall i dont recomend buying this game.
You all say it sucks because either you haven't played, or you just cannot go to options and lower the aiming sensitivity and then place the ****ing sensor on top of your tv facing you and then ****ing play like your ****ing supposed to while standing, not sitting down like a total fat ass no wonder you all can't master the simple camera controls.
keywii said:
You all say it sucks because either you haven't played, or you just cannot go to options and lower the aiming sensitivity and then place the ****ing sensor on top of your tv facing you and then ****ing play like your ****ing supposed to while standing, not sitting down like a total fat ass no wonder you all can't master the simple camera controls.

Sounds like we have a RS fanboy in the house, ladies and gentlemen! Give him a round of applause for his idiotic rambling about nothing, and the way he acts like a gaming expert!.. Anyway, dude, that doesn't actually help at all. I'm sorry, but if you like Red Steel, good for you. Go play it, while standing up, like you're "supposed to." I didn't like it. I'm not calling people who like it ****in' idiots or fat asses or anything, I'm just sayin' I didn't think it was worth 52 bucks.

Dark Void said:
played redsteel and was NOT impressed. Graphics were bad, and they didnt even have cinematics it's just still frames and voice acting. this new generation needs to do more than that when it comes to visuals. The controlls were pretty bad too. the gun moves really bad when you try to aim. One thing i did like was that they tried to do a good job with the whole wii mote thing but overall it's not that greate. Also i liked throwing grenades. that's about it. Overall i dont recomend buying this game.

Amen, brother. Buying it isn't really worth it, as I said before. Renting it would pro'lly be a good idea.

Koski8 said:
Fact: anyone who thinks redsteel sucks, is because they suck at it.

Fact: This person can not spell, nor can he use proper grammar.
Fact 2: This persons previous post had not even been a complete sentence. Said sentence did not make any sense. ((Just read his post over, and you'll get it. xP))


Anyway, enough iron-fist-pounding ((In other words, flaming. xP)), I'm gonna get to the main point...

So, I gave RS another chance and played it again today, before I returned it. I have to say, it's not as bad as I previously said, even though it's still not that good of a game. I returned it anyway, obviously, for $25. ((Well, actually, I sold it to a Gamestop employee I know for the same price so he wouldn't have to pay the full price.)) So, I have to say this... DON'T... BUY IT... It's way too expensive for that sort of game. It's fun, but not that fun. Though I WOULD, in fact reccomend RENTING this game for a much lower price. So there... Anyway, time to use this money for Trauma Center!.. When the next shipment comes in. xP
This just in people.... I might be going out on a limb here but:

"Everyone has their own opinions, and in this case, none of them are wrong."

Now stop flaming. XD

Red steel is the best fps ever but a horrible sword fighting game,

FarCry is online it's freakin farcry. Farcry will make anyone who bought red steel sorry they did.
Well I have money I'll buy farcry when it comes out see if it is in fact any good.
i have played FarCry for PC for years

this may be another case of "controls" vs "game"
I am normally a PC FPS gamer and RedSteel is fun and I am not sorry I bought it

what will change about the control scheme from this to FarCry??
unless they are giving away WiiMouse&Kiiboards to play this, it will feel like every other FPS with these controllers - might be prettier though.....
Saying that red steel sucks because of faulty controls is very wrong (except for sword fighting, it's not that great). You have to learn it, it's not a pick up and play game. Why are all you people saying the graphics blow? Have you seen the screenshots? What you see is what you get. They didn't downgrade the graphics. After seeing the screenshots, i wasn't expecting mind blowing 360 or ps3 graphics, just expected the same graphics i saw in the pics. And i did. I don't care if people say the gameplay sucks, that is entirely based on opinion and i respect that. But controls and graphics? There was no 'surprise' graphics. The controls are obviously not flawed. It's a new game, a new controller, a new gameplay system. It's of course different. Play it with an open mind. Don't expect the same preciseness a mouse provides nor the movement and aiming of a 360 controller. It's a Wii, not a PC, not a 360, and definitely not a PS3.


played redsteel and was NOT impressed. Graphics were bad, and they didnt even have cinematics it's just still frames and voice acting. this new generation needs to do more than that when it comes to visuals. The controlls were pretty bad too. the gun moves really bad when you try to aim. One thing i did like was that they tried to do a good job with the whole wii mote thing but overall it's not that greate. Also i liked throwing grenades. that's about it. Overall i dont recomend buying this game.

Well, if you looked at the screenshots, you shouldn't have expected much in the first place. There are cinematics in the game, what are you talking about? If you meant pre rendered movies, then you're right. But there are in game cinematics that use the game engine, not epic and memorable but still there.
I not only think the controls suck...wich they do.....I think the game sucks. I think it's cheesy and it reminds of one of those lame games you would see in the arcades where you would take the gun out of the holster and start shooting the side scroll evil clowns or watever. Sorry just don't like it, most people don't like it. Out of me and 4 friends that bought it not one of us continued playing the game, granted we bought almost every game so we have other stuff to play.

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