For People Who Have Red Steel

The game is really 50/50, in terms that half the people like it, and the other half don't. I like the game personally, and I think it would be killer if they patched it for online play when the network comes out.
I think it really depends on your history with FPS. I've played many FPS in my time, and I've had no problems getting into the controls. It's all worth it when youre in a firefight and chunks of concrete are blowing off the walls, and paper and glass, and wood from support beams are flying everywhere....

The game has awesome atmospheric triggerable events, so it adds to the surprise where every battle will be different.
ill never buy it because it sucks!!! the only way ill get that if i get completly trashed while buying games at walmart(which is possible)
Cap'n Crunch said:
ill never buy it because it sucks!!! the only way ill get that if i get completly trashed while buying games at walmart(which is possible)

:lol: :lol: Kind of like this guy who set up a Meth Lab in a K-Mart bathroom. Full Story
I think one of the things that would help Red Steel control (don't know if COD is the same) is if the crosshair froze at the place that that the sensor bar lost track of it, so if you did have to say...scratch your nose or your kid knocked you in the arm by mistake your entire game wouldn't go spinning aimlessly. As soon as the sensor bar picked the wiimote back up again it could just suddenly refocus on the correct point.
With this plan, if you wander off the edge of the screen the reticule would just stick on the edge until you get back. As it is, with the remote strapped to your wrist you're completely held hostage keeping the remote within sensor range. I can't imagine what a nightmare it would be to play on small screened set.
I'm using a 19' screen myself, and haven't had any problems, got through the whole game just fine. Just know the limits.
I'm about 10% in the game and I like. It's a great game if youre not a hard core gamer and you just want to shoot sh!t and move through the story line. I purposely did not buy Zelda because I dont have the time to commit to it. This game is like an old school shoot 'em and keep going Nintendo game. I dont know if that makes sense, but if it does to you, then youre probably just as old as me.
Is it possible that they could patch it up for online multiplayer support when Online becomes available for the Wii? And has there been any kind of official suggestion or talk of this happening for any game at all?
im only 52% im stuck at the part where you need to dual this guy, i probably could have beat him but i forgot to go and learn the new sword moves

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