people need to accept that red steel sucks

yea i know and thats pretty gay that bending me over part but the next two people sold theirs too and i am getting a new one with a game so im not so crazy. ( prob Zelda):hand:
nemo87 said:
Been playing red steel for about an hour now and i must say some people are right one some things some and other right on others.

So i must say that the game is pretty fun, I'm not saying that it's going to be the best game you've ever played, but it's entertaining. When I got into the first fire fight, I got to say, I got really frustrated, I couldn't move right, the cursor was flying all over the place.. It just wasn't fun. But after the first section things got easier, started hitting guys more, feeling out the strafing and aiming together. The biggest thing is that you have to realize that this isn't halo, you can't just run into a room and circle strafe around the room guns a blazing. You have to take cover, pick your targets, and not waste your ammo. It's pretty tactical but yet very cinematic. Then I got to the sword fighting, the first couple guys are painfully easy, but they're just there to teach you how to fight. The next guys are fun though, it actually takes a good amount of timing and concentration.

I really want to play some more, so that's saying something. If i still want to pick the game back up it's can't be all that bad. If it was worth a 50% then i know i would have been just plain pissed off and probably not wanted to play it. But i did, as for the point I'm at and the time I've spent I'd give red steel a 80% or a B-/c+
- nothing spectacular yet
- new way of playing shooting games is a nice new challenge and a breath of fresh air compared to the analog stick
- fire fights are fun but sometimes slow but cinematic so it keeps you excited
- sword fighting is limited but still interesting

Nemo, thanks so much for your insight into Red Steel. I must admit, my mind is all over the place about this game as i live in Australia and have pre-ordered it as my first Wii game. The reviews have been so varied it's becoming a mental battle every day as to whether i change the pre-order to something else........... i've also read that CoD3 is a mixed bag also.....

confusion reigns supreme...
i0n said:
I agree, ofcourse i take reviews into account but in the end it's all down to personaly preference and i like to make my own mind up on a game :)

I agree with you, like for example, anyone heard of Lunar Dragon Song? It's an RPG and it got bad reviews due to losing HP while running and the slow animation of the battles, but I personally liked it. It wasn't a Final Fantasy, but it was great nonetheless. And I do find it funny that this one individual decides to bust down on a game just because someone on an internet web page does so, join the bandwagon my friend, be the sheep that stays in the pack.
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god damn it you sad people what the hell is wrong with you i just told you that the game looked really crap and a dissapointment. all i was doing was giving some re-assurence to people who may have had slight regrets with the wii as red steel looked like it would be one of the best launch titles(and it is definately not) and i was saying that there will be plenty of good games in the same genre with better graphics. But as usuall some a**holes start insulting someone they dont agree with. AND YES i have now played this game. i admit i liked the controls at first but this is just about the only good quality of the game. i do not change views on the game and the reviews iv read were mostly right. Even the wii controls cannot save this game and i am definately not buying it. i only came back on this forum because i played the game and wanted to tell you about it now i had actually played it.... i dought il be on for a while now enjoy red steel if your one of the unfortunate people who bought it instead of a better game
i really like red steel...but its not for everyone. just like movies or food ppl have different tastes. RENT it if youre not sure, then BUY it if you like it. duh!
Does not suck..

Hey Everyone.. I JUST WANT TO SAY
i played multiplayer with a non gamer put the sensitivity for low and this guy was actually keeping up with me!
So.. if a non gamer ( and when i say non gamer the last game he played was sonic the hedge hog )
He was having a blast reloading ducking while i was blasting away at him.

So dont say it sucks
YES its hard to control
but once you get it its pretty simple..
Its like driving a standard car ( for some ) hard as hell at first wanna give up then you get the hang of it and you never want to let it go. Ill be driving standard as long as they keep on making them.

( BTW i stalled 5 times the first time i drove standard will never forget that horrible disapointment )
I played it and didnt like it at all. It didnt seem to do what I wanted it to do. Maybe its just me though.
I have Red Steel. It's pretty decent really. Most of the bad reviews I've read for it is that "it hurts my arm." VERY few of them actually had good reasons as to why the game is bad. Well, I think the graphics look pretty good on a high definition television. (Of course, Red Steel holds NO weight to the graphics on Zelda)
Red Steel, I can only say 2 things..
1) They could have made this game SO much better.... The cut scenes are cheesy, and the story isn't all that interesting... it's pretty cliche actually..
2) It's not bad gameplay. Ultimately, I think we can all agree that this is one of those games where you should rent, or play at a friend's house before you buy it. I bought it, and I don't regret it too much. I would (probably) prefer Madden before it. (never played madden on wii, but i think it would tickle my fancy more)
Hope this posts helps a bit...
At first it sucked...

But eventually the AIs got more wiser in terms of gun play and sword play. The sword play is engaging once you learn the katas and special moves. The gun play is great when you utilize the focus mode once in a while.

As of the moment, I like Red Steel. But "what grinds my gears" is the hang-ups when you aim your cursor away and back to the screen, and your character is still turning...
sweeney said:
don't get mad just because a game you thought would be great is actually not that good. the game didn't look all that great anyway. the wii still has better launch titles than the ps3 and you have to remember lauch titles are usually expected to suck anyway. Dont worry there will be plenty of great titles in the future including great fps's(metroid?)

I can with ease say your a ****ing retard who doesnt know how things work and in my eyes your a ****ing crying baby.

You cant tell someone - this sucks - this rocks - people have their own opinions and people are allowed to have them, get that into your goddamn ****ing mind you kindergarden retard.

Or suicide, it would benefit everyone in your community alot more, better yet - do it after you dig your own ****ing grave so your community wont have to build it for you, lazy ass ****.
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Wow, look at all you little Nintendo fanbitches crying because a game you highly anticipated, sucks. I wanted Red Steel so bad... I was waiting for it since it was anounced. When I read ALL the bad reviews, I was so pissed off. BUt, I didn't cry and try to fool myself into thinking the game is good. It sucks, I accepted it. They will try again, and will probably get it the second time around. As for right now, I will stick to other release titles. GET OVER IT.
I agree with you. It does suck.

sweeney said:
don't get mad just because a game you thought would be great is actually not that good. the game didn't look all that great anyway. the wii still has better launch titles than the ps3 and you have to remember lauch titles are usually expected to suck anyway. Dont worry there will be plenty of great titles in the future including great fps's(metroid?)

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