people need to accept that red steel sucks

Uh, you try to say it sucks without playing it? You're just a retard.

I HAVE the game, and I quite enjoy it.
I bought Red Steel and Rayman, I love them both! Red Steel just took some getting used to. If we're gonna put Red Steel up against FEAR or Gears of War or Doom 3 for that matter (graphically), Then yeah, can't even hold a candle up. The ugly visuals almost turned me off, but the compelling controls and gameplay more than made up for it to me. I found myself enjoying the game, albeit found myself frustrated at times, but still, quite fun and worth the money!


I've been playing this game a lot, still sticking with my verdict, FUN!
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I find it sad when people decide to bad mouth a game because they see someone else bad mouthing it, regardless of even having any hands on. Now if you had some hands on experience, and realized that the game has been terrible, then you will get some respect from that. Instead of bad mouthing a game because someone else has, why not try the game out for yourself? You should actually show YOUR opinion, not someone else's.
epikon said:
imo reviews, other peoples opinions (not a flame i respect your opinion) mean nothing to me personally. if i like a game and everyone else thinks its poor it dosnt matter...

i agree totally, i pre-ordered the Wii and Red Steel here in Australia a few weeks ago. I won't be changing that pre-order just because one gaming site gives a dodgy review........... i will form my own opinion of Red Steel.
Actually I really like it .. a lot!

I think you need to accept that not everyone will feel the same way you do
this kinda reminds me of when i bought pikmin all my friends said it was crap by the look of it, they never actually played it but wen they came round my house and played it, most if not all of them decided to buy it

im gettin red steel and zelda, cant wait whooooot!!!!
I agree that it takes time and effort to get used to the controls. After all, the controls are new. It takes a bit of trying, testing and failing, and stuff before you actually 'get' it. I currently 'get' it and am playing it like a normal FPS like a 360 or PC. (High sensitivity FTW :D)

Gun fights in MP are simply so fun. The bullets blazing past you, hearing the Ping! Ping! off statues and walls and stuff. It's really crazy when you have 4 people in a small room in Dojo trying to kill each other. KOs everywhere and guns and bonuses ablazing. During one battle, it was so funny when someone missed a grenade and killed himself and 2 others lol
btw, the graphics arent no where bear as bad as people are stating
Whoever started this thread needs to go out and play the game, they are obviously being a bit ignorant by belieiving everything they hear. I personally have played the game and I'm having a blast. My friends spent the better half of today playing multiplayer, and although there are only 4 different maps, they are pretty big and quite enjoyable. Visuals aren't great, but I think that's understandable from a launch title, particularly one with this new control scheme. I enjoy the game thoroughly and would say it is worth the money, even if it doesn't look the best and does have a few bugs in it.
this guys is ****ing stupid...he's bashing a game he hasn't even ****ing dumbass *****!!! lol ur so ****ing stupid and ppl like u are jackass wanna be gamers...

ok lol they gave zelda and 8.8...thats a SIN..u just stuff like that...and seriously tho, play a game before u talk shyt. i wasn't too hyped about wiisports and i really like it now..(don't love it, but i acutally play it lol) so sit on it...hard....and grind!
I think I just did something humanly impossible...I just accidently sold my Wii i dont know what i was doing. When i got home from my 16 hour stay at walmart (i was first in line) i got home at 2 am ) i was soooo tired that i thought it actually SUCKED (call me stupid i deseve it) BUT!!!...i made 370 dollers from it and are going to get a new one and was wondering should i get Red Steel (someone tell me who has actually played it and is not a die-hard nintendo fan who thinks it rules over everything -- no offence nintendo guys :) i think it looks cool i just need to know.
if u were infront of me....i think i would of grab ur hand--squeeze it--cause ur forefinger to point up--bend u over--and shove ur own finger stright up your candy ass!

u ****ing i'm not joking...u must be like the......epidemy os retardness...and YES u deserve it!

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