people need to accept that red steel sucks

look itsd just gamespot and they ARE CRAP at zelda all respectable reveiwers should be good at zelda they rate it bad because they are bad at it full stop.
Red Steel ain't so bad. It just takes a little time to get used to it. Got Red Steel and Zelda :D :D
sweeney said:
honestly. no. But i do not believe that reviews that are bad are bad because of baised editors. i already know that loads of people will have a go at me and say"dont judge it until youv tried it". But ok, play it yourself let me know if its a great game. let me ask you this--- have you EVER played a game that got a really bad review and it has been a really good game??

reviews- some say good, some say bad.
The only way you can tell is to play it. u say it looks bad. but its all up to how gd the wiimote males it. Play it then say how gd it is.
Been playing red steel for about an hour now and i must say some people are right one some things some and other right on others.

So i must say that the game is pretty fun, I'm not saying that it's going to be the best game you've ever played, but it's entertaining. When I got into the first fire fight, I got to say, I got really frustrated, I couldn't move right, the cursor was flying all over the place.. It just wasn't fun. But after the first section things got easier, started hitting guys more, feeling out the strafing and aiming together. The biggest thing is that you have to realize that this isn't halo, you can't just run into a room and circle strafe around the room guns a blazing. You have to take cover, pick your targets, and not waste your ammo. It's pretty tactical but yet very cinematic. Then I got to the sword fighting, the first couple guys are painfully easy, but they're just there to teach you how to fight. The next guys are fun though, it actually takes a good amount of timing and concentration.

I really want to play some more, so that's saying something. If i still want to pick the game back up it's can't be all that bad. If it was worth a 50% then i know i would have been just plain pissed off and probably not wanted to play it. But i did, as for the point I'm at and the time I've spent I'd give red steel a 80% or a B-/c+
- nothing spectacular yet
- new way of playing shooting games is a nice new challenge and a breath of fresh air compared to the analog stick
- fire fights are fun but sometimes slow but cinematic so it keeps you excited
- sword fighting is limited but still interesting
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I don't think I'll care much about graphics/gameplay... I think I'll be too caught up in the moment of being able to swing my controller like a sword and have it do the same on-screen...
This is like starting Guitar Hero from what I've read here.

Takes a while to get used to it, but once you sort of pass that phase you just can't put the game down.

Edit: Thanks nemo for that indepth synopsis of your opinion on Red Steel's gameplay. :) Props.
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BlightedArt said:
This is like starting Guitar Hero from what I've read here.

Takes a while to get used to it, but once you sort of pass that phase you just can't put the game down.

Guitar Hero rocks (no pun intended) hardcore. I need to pick up 2 already. :)
no prob Blighted,
when I said I want to play again, i'm not kidding just played another hour, it's getting pretty cool, especially now that i'm getting good and turning and aiming.

But there is one problem, i keep wanting to play and i have TWO EXAMS TOMORROW, AAAAAAAAA!!!!
nemo87 said:
Been playing red steel for about an hour now and i must say some people are right one some things some and other right on others.

So i must say that the game is pretty fun, I'm not saying that it's going to be the best game you've ever played, but it's entertaining. When I got into the first fire fight, I got to say, I got really frustrated, I couldn't move right, the cursor was flying all over the place.. It just wasn't fun. But after the first section things got easier, started hitting guys more, feeling out the strafing and aiming together. The biggest thing is that you have to realize that this isn't halo, you can't just run into a room and circle strafe around the room guns a blazing. You have to take cover, pick your targets, and not waste your ammo. It's pretty tactical but yet very cinematic. Then I got to the sword fighting, the first couple guys are painfully easy, but they're just there to teach you how to fight. The next guys are fun though, it actually takes a good amount of timing and concentration.

I really want to play some more, so that's saying something. If i still want to pick the game back up it's can't be all that bad. If it was worth a 50% then i know i would have been just plain pissed off and probably not wanted to play it. But i did, as for the point I'm at and the time I've spent I'd give red steel a 80% or a B-/c+
- nothing spectacular yet
- new way of playing shooting games is a nice new challenge and a breath of fresh air compared to the analog stick
- fire fights are fun but sometimes slow but cinematic so it keeps you excited
- sword fighting is limited but still interesting
thanks for your input. :D
Recusant said:
I don't think I'll care much about graphics/gameplay...

If you don't care about graphics/gameplay then what is there to care about? :)

But anyways - this game will be fun!

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