Pearl for 20 bux.

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I'm a cheapass *****!

So the guy I was going to buy Pokemon Pearl was is just kinda a douchebag so I was like forget it, no Pearl for me. Well today I was talking to a friend of mine and I guess he has Pokemon Platnium, and has no use for Pokemon Diamond and is going to sell it to me for $5 on Monday.I just asked him if $10 was OK, he said yes and I just lowered it to $5 and he has no issue with it, I could probably get it for free if I wanted but I'm not a complete dick. It is kind of a bummer it's not Pearl( i wanted that one) but its fine, reliving my childhood for 5 bux is sweet!:thumbsup:
Oh damn. Platinum might be more epic than DP, but Diamond for $5 is an incredible bargain. Congrats Cap'n, you just spent $5 to buy a $20 game. :lol: I don't think I have a friend that'd sell me a game for that low of a price. :lol:

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