Gold/silver remake?


Dec 7, 2006
Decided to repost this, since a lot of people probably didnt see it after there were a ton of postings on the Q/A thread.


Oh, I also have some good[ish] news for everyone. I can pretty much tell you some cool things i've found out when my friend was messing around with pokesav [disclaimer: i dont hack, friends do; dont start.]

1: The last year possible for a pokemon event in diamond and pearl is 2013 [I wanted to further explain this, since a lot of people were wondering. when i got the event darkrai, it said POKEMON EVENT 07 as the location. The highest this number goes is 13, which means the last D/P event supposedly can be at 2013].

2: you can obtain a pokemon from the location "johto" from pokepark [i now have a staryu that says from johto because i thought my friend was full of it].

Not sure if this was brought up anywhere, i figured i'd let you guys talk about it here.

What do you guys think about this? I know this isnt very much talked about
ok it will be cool if they make a game with four region and each region has different pokemon.and 32 badge in the game plus the orange islands & u have to beat the pkmn league be4 u go to the nxt region and each time the elite 4 changes , how cool will that be? (endless game):idea:
Monogatari said:
Decided to repost this, since a lot of people probably didnt see it after there were a ton of postings on the Q/A thread.


Oh, I also have some good[ish] news for everyone. I can pretty much tell you some cool things i've found out when my friend was messing around with pokesav [disclaimer: i dont hack, friends do; dont start.]

1: The last year possible for a pokemon event in diamond and pearl is 2013 [I wanted to further explain this, since a lot of people were wondering. when i got the event darkrai, it said POKEMON EVENT 07 as the location. The highest this number goes is 13, which means the last D/P event supposedly can be at 2013].

2: you can obtain a pokemon from the location "johto" from pokepark [i now have a staryu that says from johto because i thought my friend was full of it].

Not sure if this was brought up anywhere, i figured i'd let you guys talk about it here.

What do you guys think about this? I know this isnt very much talked about
Jesus Christ, people should read the entire thread first, since the title has little to do with what this thread is. Anyways my thoughts:

1) Now this makes sense compared to what you posted originally before. 2013 would be 5 years from now, wouldn't that be ample time to supply Nintendo to release a new Pokemon game if they wanted, only increasing what that location can be?
Also, now that I think of it, it doesn't have to be Pokemon Movie 13 or something. Couldn't it be like "Nintendo HQ" (Not being literal, but just as an example) Unless I'm dreadfully missing something here.

2) I don't believe it, since there are no johto series in gba (Unless I as unconscious when it came out) thus johto pokemon technically can't be PalParked. Probably was done with Pokesav.

@Slimi, check the rule thingies on trolling
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from what i understand, pokesav cannot edit things like that without having a guidance.

you cant edit the location to say "NEPTUNE", for example.

i think pokesav actually said somthing interesting, what do you think?

and yeah, my friend did the johto thing from pokesav, but i thought it was interesting

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