Official 'Wii keep our promise' discussion

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  • #61

They announce that on October 13 Nintendo will release a new game called Learn English for the Nintendo DS. They fire it up on the DS on-stage and are about to show us a demonstration. The game is designed to teach non-english speakers how to speak english (der!).
I really respect you guys though, for keeping us updated through here. I closed that weird music video thing a long time ago. So I'm basically only here :) that IGN link stopped updating for some reason.
Dancers are now on the stage dancing to Justin Timberlake. Not really sure what to think of this.
...they aren't gonna do it are they? I knew it. I knew it! Why did I get all hyped up? lol! hahahaha! I'm just gonna go to sleep and hope not to be that dissapointed when I wake up..........only 20 minutes, I can wait.
*UPDATE 9* 04:48.46 -

Aha - now they’re talking about speaking English. On October 13th, they’re going to launch “Learn English” on the DS. They’re about to do an on-stage demo.

04:49.19 -

Well, “English Training”, then. It tests the level of your English skill - if you’re German, obviously.

04:50.37 -

You listen to the text and then write it on the lower screen, the faster the better. Mystery TV Man tries a few lines, and the program duly reports that he’s “OK” at English, while playing sad, mournful music. Tom is threatening to storm the stage. We should be fine as long as he keeps his pants on :( (Eurogamer)

This news scares me.
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  • #67
lol few bloggers there are losing interest:

09:54.19 -

She's a top model, apparently. Tall, blonde, with achingly apparent nipples, incidentally. We've pretty much given up on the content of their chat. There's a DS Lite coming out in pink, and I'm really not sure you care about the rest of it - apart from the nipples, maybe. She's posing for Pat now, so we'll put those pictures on the site later, assuming he doesn't keep them for his "private" collection.
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  • #69
Another game being shown - Actionloop. A puzzle game for DS due out this year in Japan. Similar to Tetris. Phoenix Wright now being shown.
Now talking about the name. Wii will provide leadership etc. (Is Reggie here somewhere?)
Matt finally gets off his butt:

# 1:59 a.m.: Announces Action Loop DS for Europe; this could be Magnetica (called Puzzaloop previously) in th US; or perhaps it's entirely new
# 2:00 a.m.: Shows off Pink DS Lite
ooh, Reggie. My inrerest has been stolen back! lol. But i read Wiimote. so theres no way I'm leaving. I only wish I could update too. I don't know the link though...

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