Official 'Wii keep our promise' discussion

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  • #37
Speaker still citing sales figures. Animal Crossing sales are 150,000 in Germany alone. Brain Training is a top seller in many European countries and has also sold 0.5 Million in Europe.
*UPDATE 7* 10:36AM: Speaker now talking about Touch Generations and how it attracts non-gamers (18%), pc gamers (24%), and a whopping 42% new console gamers. (GWN)

...C'mon Price and release date!
Bleh, I'm tired of "Continues on about pulling in new gamers; points to DS as example"

They need to hurry up. lol. I really have a bad feeling that this is just going to be something for advertising, and they won't even give us any news...

EDIT: wow in the time it took me to post this you already posted updates...
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  • #42
I imagine the Wii news is gonna be in the very last part of the presentation...
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  • #43
Speaker has finished up. Introduces the first guest, an immigrant..

^^hahah :wtf:

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