Official 'Wii keep our promise' discussion

I'm going to sleep so I can have dreams of what it could have been if its not the release date. Then I will wake up and see what it really was. I Like sleeping, except the fact that it takes so long.

So long, and good luck with the info. I hope nintendo doesent dissapoint you.
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1:04AM: The media are all wondering what will be shown next. I can hear people whispering to each other. So far not much about the Wii. Are they saving the best for last?
i0n said:
1:04AM: The media are all wondering what will be shown next. I can hear people whispering to each other. So far not much about the Wii. Are they saving the best for last?
Man i will be so ticked off if they dont release any good wii information, all this ds crap is annoying me
Hey guys, I'm just dropping in here because this is the only place I can find constantly updating info.

Nintendo has to release Wii info, remember, because of the keynote title: "Wii Prove Our Promise"

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Joshua said:
Hey guys, I'm just dropping in here because this is the only place I can find constantly updating info.

Nintendo has to release Wii info, remember, because of the keynote title: "Wii Prove Our Promise"


Yea we hope so Joshua :)
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  • #105
10:11.08 -

Dear lord - dancing men! And women. They're flailing around the stage with Wii controllers. One of them looks a bit like Vin Diesel. Tom has identified the music as N.E.R.D. - I'm not sure why he knows that.

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