Official Q & A Thread

WuddlePook said:
What determines a Pokemons ability when it evolves?

Example: Tyrogue, does a specific ability branch off into another specific ability?

Also, can a trace Porygon turn into a Download Porygon when it evolves into Porygon-Z? All I ever have gotten is Adaptibility.

Im keeping this bumped until someone answers it.
Strype McClaine said:
Im keeping this bumped until someone answers it.
nothing determins it... it is completely random... unless you need a porygon with the ability download to pass it on... i only have download porygons...
New traits for old pokemon have been added in the new generation that weren't in the last, such as download / adaptability porygon family, solid rock rhyperior and Magic guard clefable. Since a pokemon can only have a shot at two abilities it causes clashes and normally results in a higher evolved pokemon to lose one in their two ability slots.

Most pokemon have a certain trait they will always evolve to obtain. IE Trace porygon will evolve to get adaptability, while the new download porygon will keep download when evolved.
Rock head Rhydon becomes Solid Rock Rhyperior while Lightning Rod Rhydon stays the same.

You won't get any clashes such as Illuminate Staryu evolving into Natural Cure Staryu.

The only time when you can lose your ability is when migrating pokemon over from RSFrLgE. If you transfer a pokemon over and evolve it, for some unknown reason as of now, there is a chance that the pokemon won't evolve to obtain the ability it's meant to, it might just gain the other in its slot. An example would be Rock Head Rhydon being migrated then evolved, but obtaining Lightning Rod, which sucks of course.

It can work both ways though.

It even works in a case where a pokemon doesn't get a new ability, like when Staryu and Starmie both have Illuminate and Natural Cure as their two ability slots in the ADV and DP generations, but migrating then evolving a Staryu still gives the chance of it changing ability. So if you breed a very good Staryu with Natural Cure, make sure you evolve it in the ADV game before transferring it so you don't have the chance of losing the ability.
Whats a good counter for porygonZs, togekiss, and electravire?
Question: What is the Toxic Orb and Flame Orb good for in this game? Please PM me the answer so I don't have to break my computer trying to find it on this page
I have a question, I got this pokemon, and it has full contest stats maxed everything, is that possible?
Yeah, Slimi it's possible, I have a Legit Gengar with Maxed contest stats.
I think slimi wants to also know how is that possible >.>, and so would i. Also lol Ilovewii, you got your Wii 4 days before i got mine.
I need some ideas for some mew builds.

UNFORTUNATELY it is a neutral natured mew...

I pritty much narrowed my game plan down to Mixed-Sweeper, Annoyer, or team supporter. guys haven't answered by questions yet.
whats a good counter for pokemons like
electravire:elemental punchs, earthquake, max speed
Porygon:Max speed and sp.attack
togekiss:max def, sp.def, and sp.atk

Also is chicagoan a mod now? because it looks like he can open and close threads :D
gbj153 said: guys haven't answered by questions yet.
whats a good counter for pokemons like
electravire:elemental punchs, earthquake, max speed
Porygon:Max speed and sp.attack
togekiss:max def, sp.def, and sp.atk

Also is chicagoan a mod now? because it looks like he can open and close threads :D
well electirive spped aint that impressive, u could beat it with a garchomp with life orb coz garchomp is faster, or just use a swampert, that pterry much pawwns electrive
gbj153 said: guys haven't answered by questions yet.
whats a good counter for pokemons like
electravire:elemental punchs, earthquake, max speed
Porygon:Max speed and sp.attack
togekiss:max def, sp.def, and sp.atk

Also is chicagoan a mod now? because it looks like he can open and close threads :D

Swampert would be able to Beat all of those Pokemon.
thx peoples, but is chicagoan a mod now?
I don't think he is a Mod. Unless he is just on the Pokemon Forum. I know he can Open and Close Forums.

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